LASTZ   Release 1.02.00, built January 12, 2010



This document describes installation and usage of the LASTZ sequence alignment program. LASTZ is a drop-in replacement for BLASTZ, and is backward compatible with BLASTZ's command-line syntax. That is, it supports all of BLASTZ's options but also has additional ones, and may produce slightly different alignment results.

LASTZ: A tool for (1) aligning two DNA sequences, and (2) inferring appropriate scoring parameters automatically.
Platform: This package was developed on a Macintosh OS X system, but should work on other Unix or Linux platforms with little change (if any). LASTZ is written in C and compiled with gcc; other C compilers can probably be used by adjusting the Makefile. Some ancillary tools are written in Python, but only use modules available in typical python installations.
Author: Bob Harris  <rsharris at bx dot psu dot edu>
Date: January 2010
Mailing list:


A packed archive containing source code for LASTZ is available from the Miller Lab at Penn State.


If you have received the distribution as a packed archive, unpack it by whatever means are appropriate for your computer. The result should be a directory <somepath>/lastz‑distrib‑X.XX.XX that contains a src subdirectory (and some others). You may find it convenient to remove the revision number (‑X.XX.XX) from the directory name.

Before building or installing any of the programs, you will need to tell the installer where to put the executable, either by setting the shell variable $LASTZ_INSTALL, or by editing the make‑include.mak file to set the definition of installDir. Also, be sure to add the directory you choose to your $PATH.

Then to build the LASTZ executable, enter the following commands from bash or a similar command-line shell (Solaris users should substitute gmake for make). This will build two executables (lastz and lastz_D) and copy them into your installDir.

    cd <somepath>/lastz-distrib-X.XX.XX/src
    make install
The two executables are basically the same program; the only difference is that lastz uses integer scores, while lastz_D uses floating-point scores.

A simple self test is included so you can test whether the build succeeded. To run it, enter the following command:

    make test
If the test is successful, you will see no output from this command. Otherwise, you will see the differences between the expected output and the output of your build, plus a line that looks like this:
    make: *** [test] Error 1

Overview of Processing Stages and Terminology

LASTZ is designed to preprocess one sequence or set of sequences (which we collectively call the target) and then align several query sequences to it. The general flow of the program is like a pipeline: the output of one stage is the input to the next. The user can choose to skip most stages via command-line options; any stages that are skipped pass their input along to the next stage unchanged. Two of the stages, scoring inference and interpolation, are special in that they perform a miniature version of the pipeline within them.

Note that the following discussion is a generalization, intended to describe the basic idea of LASTZ's operation. There are many exceptions that depend on the particular options specified.

The stages are:

The usual flow is as follows (though most of these steps are optional, and some settings like ‑‑anyornone may affect the processing order). We first read the target sequence(s) into memory, and use that to build a seed word position table that will allow us to quickly map any word in the target to all of the positions where it appears. (For the purposes of this discussion you can think of a word as a 12-mer of DNA.) Then we read each query sequence in turn, processing them more or less independently. We examine the word starting at each base in the query and use the position table to find matches, called seeds, in the target. The seeds are extended to longer matches called HSPs (high-scoring segment pairs) and filtered based on score. The HSPs are chained into the highest-scoring set of syntenic alignments, and then reduced to single locations called anchors. The anchors are then extended to local alignments (which may contain gaps) and again filtered by score, followed by back-end filtering to discard alignment blocks that do not meet specified criteria for certain traits. We then interpolate, repeating the entire process at a higher sensitivity in the holes between the alignment blocks. And finally, we write out the alignment information to a file. Then these steps are repeated with the reverse complement of the query sequence, before moving on to the next sequence in the query file.

The scoring inference stage is not usually performed. Typically it is used only when sequences for new species are acquired, to create scoring files for subsequent alignments of those species.


For those eager to try it out, here are some illustrative examples to get you started. Detailed reference material begins with the next section.

Comparing a Human Chromosome and a Chicken Chromosome

It is often adequate to use a lower sensitivity level than is achieved with LASTZ's defaults. For example, to compare two complete chromosomes, even for species as distant as human and chicken, the alignment landscape is evident even at very low sensitivity settings. This can speed up the alignment process considerably.

This example compares human chromosome 4 to chicken chromosome 4. These sequences can be found in the downloads section of the UCSC Genome Browser, and are 191 and 94 megabases long, respectively. To run a quick low-sensitivity alignment of these sequences, use a command like this:

    lastz hg18.chr4.fa galGal3.chr4.fa \
      --notransition --step=20 --nogapped \
      --format=maf > hg18_4_vs_galGal3_4.maf

This runs in about two and a half minutes on a 2-GHz workstation, requiring only 400 Mb of RAM. Figure 1(a) shows the results, plotted using the ‑‑format=rdotplot output option and the R statistical package. (When in MAF format, LASTZ output can be browsed with the GMAJ interactive viewer for multiple alignments, available from the Miller Lab at Penn State.)

Using ‑‑notransition lowers seeding sensitivity and reduces runtime (by a factor of about 10 in this case). ‑‑step=20 also lowers seeding sensitivity, reducing runtime and also reducing memory consumption (by a factor of about 3.3 in this case). ‑‑nogapped eliminates the computation of gapped alignments. The complete alignment process using default settings (shown in Figure 1(b)) uses 1.3 Gb of RAM and takes 4.5 hours on a machine running at 2.83 GHz.

Figure 1(a)

human vs. chicken: low sensitivity

lastz \
  hg18.chr4.fa galGal3.chr4.fa \
  --notransition --step=20 \
Figure 1(b)

human vs. chicken: defaults

lastz \
  hg18.chr4.fa galGal3.chr4.fa

Aligning Shotgun Reads to a Human Chromosome

Short read mapping for close species requires parameters very different from LASTZ's defaults. This example compares a simulated set of primate shotgun reads to human chromosome 21. The chromosome can be found in the downloads section of the UCSC Genome Browser (it is about 47 megabases). Ten thousand simulated reads were generated by extracting 60-bp intervals from chimp chr21, subjecting them to mild mutation (including short gaps), and then truncating them to 50 bp (these are included in the LASTZ distribution, in test_data/fake_chimp_reads.2bit).

To see where these reads map onto the human chromosome, use this command:

    lastz hg18.chr21.fa[unmask] fake_chimp_reads.2bit \
      --step=10 --seed=match12 --notransition --exact=20 --noytrim \
      --match=1,5 --ambiguous=n \
      --coverage=90 --identity=95 \
      --format=general:name1,start1,length1,name2,strand2 \
      > hg18_21_vs_reads.dat

Attaching [unmask] to the chromosome filename instructs LASTZ to ignore masking information and treat repeats the same as any other part of the chromosome, in order to accurately assess the uniqueness of the read mappings. Since we know the two species are close, we want to reduce sensitivity. Using ‑‑step=10, we will only be looking for seeds at every 10th base. Instead of the default seed pattern, we use ‑‑seed=match12 and ‑‑notransition so our seeds will be exact matches of 12 bases. Instead of the default x-drop extension method we use ‑‑exact=20 so that a 20-base exact match is required to qualify as an HSP. Because we are aligning short reads, we specify ‑‑noytrim so the alignment ends will not be trimmed back to the highest scoring locations during gapped extension.

We replace the default score set, which is for more distant species, with the stricter ‑‑match=1,5. This scores matching bases as +1 and mismatches as −5. We also use ‑‑ambiguous=n so that Ns will be scored appropriately. We are only interested in alignments that involve nearly an entire read, and since the species are close we don't want alignments with low identity; therefore we use ‑‑coverage=90 and ‑‑identity=95.

For output, we are only interested in where the reads align, so we use the ‑‑format=general option and specify that we want the position on the chromosome (name1, start1, length1) and the read name and orientation (name2, strand2). This creates a tab-delimited output file with one line per alignment block, a format that is well-suited for downstream processing by other programs. For example, to count the number of different reads we've mapped, we can run this Unix shell command:

    cat hg18_21_vs_reads.dat | grep -v "#" | awk '{print $4}' | sort -u | wc

Seeds, HSPs, Gapped Alignments, Chaining

This example demonstrates the primary alignment processing stages, using the α-globin regions of cow and human. This data is included in the LASTZ distribution in test_data/aglobin.2bit, and consists of a 70K bp segment of human DNA and a 66K bp segment of cow DNA. We will follow this example through the major stages of seeding, gap-free extension, chaining, and gapped extension.

Figure 2(a) shows the result of default seeding on a small window (3K bp) in the middle of these segments. Seeds are short near-matches; in this case each seed is 19 bp and could have as many as 8 mismatches (12-of-19 with one transition). There are 338 seeds in this window, but regions where there are many seeds are indistinguishable from line segments.

Figure 2(b) shows high-scoring segment pairs, the result of gap-free extension of the seeds. There are 11 HSPs (only 10 are apparent in the figure, but one of those is split by a 1-bp shift to the next diagonal). Note that many seeds were discarded because their extensions were low scoring or overlapped.

Figure 2(c) shows the local alignment blocks resulting from gapped extension of the HSPs. There are four alignment blocks.

Then we zoom out and show the results for the full sequences; the red box indicates the small region shown in the earlier figures. Figure 2(d) shows the HSPs, 2(e) shows the gapped alignment blocks, and 2(f) illustrates how chaining reduces the alignment blocks to a single syntenic line (or two lines, if there were matches on both strands). Note that one can already tell quite a bit about how the sequences align just from looking at the HSPs.

Figure 2(a)

alpha-globin: seeds (closeup)

lastz \
  aglobin.2bit/human[34000..37000] \
  aglobin.2bit/cow[35000..38000] \
  --nogfextend --nochain --nogapped
Figure 2(b)

alpha-globin: HSPs (closeup)

lastz \
  aglobin.2bit/human[34000..37000] \
  aglobin.2bit/cow[35000..38000] \
  --gfextend --nochain --nogapped
Figure 2(c)

alpha-globin: gapped blocks (closeup)

lastz \
  aglobin.2bit/human[34000..37000] \
  aglobin.2bit/cow[35000..38000] \
  --gfextend --nochain --gapped
Figure 2(d)

alpha-globin: HSPs

lastz \
  aglobin.2bit/human \
  aglobin.2bit/cow \
  --gfextend --nochain --nogapped
Figure 2(e)

alpha-globin: gapped blocks

lastz \
  aglobin.2bit/human \
  aglobin.2bit/cow \
  --gfextend --nochain --gapped
Figure 2(f)

alpha-globin: gapped blocks with chaining

lastz \
  aglobin.2bit/human \
  aglobin.2bit/cow \
  --gfextend --chain --gapped

Aligning a Sequence With Itself

When a sequence is aligned to itself, the full result will contain mirror-image copies of each alignment block. It is computationally wasteful to process both copies. LASTZ can handle this situation in four different ways.

  1. Simply give LASTZ the same sequence for both the target and query. In this case, LASTZ does not know that it is aligning a sequence to itself, and performs the full computation on both copies (Figure 3(a)).

  2. Specify the ‑‑notrivial option. This performs the full computation on both copies, but doesn't report the trivial self-alignment block along the main diagonal (Figure 3(b)).

  3. Specify the ‑‑self option in place of the query sequence. LASTZ will save work by computing with only one block of each mirror-image pair, though it still reports both copies in the output by reconstructing the second copy from the first. It also invokes ‑‑notrivial automatically to omit the trivial self-alignment block along the main diagonal. This gives the same output as the previous method, but runs faster (Figure 3(c)).

  4. Specify ‑‑self in place of the query, and also add the ‑‑nomirror option. In this case LASTZ reports only one copy of each mirror-image pair, as well as omitting the trivial block (Figure 3(d)).

In the following figure, we suppose we have a sequence with repeated motifs, in the order α1 β1 γ1 β2 δ1 α2 δ2′ γ2. That is, α1 and α2 are ancient duplications, as are β1 and β2, and γ1 and γ2.  δ2′ is an inversion, a reverse-complement duplicate of δ1.

Figure 3(a)

rearranged sequence: vs. itself, default options

lastz target target
Figure 3(b)

rearranged sequence: vs. itself, --notrivial

lastz target target --notrivial
Figure 3(c)

rearranged sequence: --self

lastz target --self
Figure 3(d)

rearranged sequence: --self --nomirror

lastz target --self --nomirror

Command-line Syntax

If you are familiar with BLASTZ, you can run LASTZ the same way you ran BLASTZ, with the same options and input files. In addition to this BLASTZ compatibility, LASTZ provides other options.

The general format of the LASTZ command line is

    lastz <target> [<query>] [<options>]

The angle brackets <> indicate meta-syntactic variables that should be replaced with your values, while the square ones [] indicate elements that are optional. Spaces separate fields on the command line; a field that needs to contain a space (e.g. within a file name) must be enclosed in double quotes "". Elements can appear in any order, the only constraint being that, if present, the <query> must appear after the <target>. Output is generally written to stdout, unless specified otherwise for a particular option.

The <target> and <query> are usually just the names of files containing the sequences to be aligned, in either FASTA, Nib, or 2Bit format. However they can be HSX index files that refer to the sequences indirectly, and they also can specify pre-processing actions such as selecting a subsequence from the file (see Sequence Specifiers for details). With certain options such as ‑‑self the <query> is not needed; otherwise if it is left unspecified the query sequences are read from stdin (though this does not work with random-access formats like 2Bit). As a special case, the <target> is omitted when the ‑‑targetcapsule option is used, since the target sequence is embedded within the capsule file.

For options, the general format is ‑‑<keyword> or ‑‑<keyword>=<value>, but for BLASTZ compatibility some options also have an alternative syntax <letter>=<number>. (Be careful when copying options from the tables below, as some of the hyphens here are special characters to avoid awkward line wrapping in certain web browsers. If you have trouble, replace the pasted hyphens with ordinary typed ones on your command line.)

Please understand that LASTZ is a complex program and its options are not all independent, i.e., some options are not valid in combination with certain others. It would be difficult and cumbersome to attempt to list every possible conflict here; instead we just mention some of the major ones. If you are not sure about a particular combination, go ahead and try it — LASTZ will tell you if it's not allowed.

Running the command lastz without any arguments prints a help message with the most commonly used options, while running

    lastz --help
lists all of the options.

Where to Look

OptionBLASTZ equivalentMeaning
--strand=both B=2 Search both strands.
--strand=plus B=0 Search the forward strand only (the one corresponding to the query specifier).
--strand=minus Search only the reverse complement of the query specifier.
--self Perform a self-alignment: the target sequence is also the query. Computation is more efficient than it would be without this option, since only one of each mirror-image pair of alignment blocks is processed (the other, redundant one is skipped during processing, but re-created in the output). Also, the trivial self-alignment block along the main diagonal is omitted from the output. This option cannot be used if the target is comprised of multiple sequences.
--nomirror Inhibit the re-creation of mirror-image alignments. Output consists of only one copy of each meaningful alignment block in a self-alignment. This option is only applicable when the ‑‑self option is used.
--anyornone Stop processing after the first qualifying alignment has been found and written to the output, and move on to the next query. "Qualifying" means an alignment that meets all of the thresholds, etc. set by other options as usual. See Any-or-None Alignment for more details. This option is not compatible with chaining or interpolation.
Defaults: By default both strands are searched, and the target is assumed to be different from the query.

If ‑‑self is used, the default is to re-create the redundant mirror-image alignment blocks in the output.


These are fundamental parameters for alignment scoring, used in several of the stages.

OptionBLASTZ equivalentMeaning
--scores=<scoring_file> Q=<file> Read the substitution scores and gap penalties (and possibly other options) from a scoring file. This option cannot be used in conjunction with ‑‑match or inference.
--match=<reward>[,<penalty>] Set the score values for a match (+<reward>) and mismatch (−<penalty>). These are both specified as positive values; the "+" and "−" are implicitly assumed. When <penalty> is not specified, it is the same as <reward>.

Note that specifying ‑‑match changes the defaults for some of the other options (e.g. the scoring penalties for gaps, and various extension thresholds), as described in their respective sections. The regular defaults are chosen for compatibility with BLASTZ, but since BLASTZ doesn't support ‑‑match, LASTZ infers that you are not expecting BLASTZ compatibility for this run, so it is free to use improved defaults.

This option cannot be used in conjunction with ‑‑scores or inference.

--gap=[<open>,]<extend> O=<open>
Set the score penalties for opening and extending a gap. These are specified as positive values; subtraction is implicitly assumed. Note that the first base in a gap incurs the sum of both penalties.

This option is only valid if gapped extension is being performed, and cannot be used in conjunction with inference. These values specified on the command line override any corresponding values from a file provided with ‑‑scores.

--ambiguous=n Treat each N in the input sequences as an ambiguous nucleotide. Substitutions with N are scored as zero, instead of using the fill_score value from the scoring file (which is -100 by default). See Non-ACGT Characters for a more thorough discussion. This option is not valid with quantum DNA.
--ambiguous=iupac Treat each of the IUPAC-IUB ambiguity codes (B, D, H, K, M, R, S, V, W, Y as well as N) in the input sequences as a completely ambiguous nucleotide. Substitutions with these characters are scored as zero, instead of using the fill_score value from the scoring file (which is -100 by default). See Non-ACGT Characters for a more thorough discussion. This option is not valid with quantum DNA.

Note that this does not mean that LASTZ considers the specific ambiguity that is associated with each character (e.g. that R would be considered a match to an A or G but not to a C or T). Instead, they are all scored as if they were an N.

--infer[=<control_file>] Infer substitution scores and/or gap penalties from the sequences, then use them to align the sequences. Parameters controlling the inference process are read from the control file. This feature is somewhat experimental, and special builds of LASTZ are required to enable it. Please see Inferring Score Sets for more information. Inference cannot be used in conjunction with ‑‑scores, ‑‑match, or ‑‑gap.
--inferonly[=<control_file>] Infer substitution scores and/or gap penalties, but don't perform the final alignment (requires ‑‑infscores).
--infscores[=<output_file>] Save the inferred scoring parameters to the specified file (or to stdout), in the same format expected by ‑‑scores.
Defaults: By default the HOXD70 substitution scores are used (see [Chiaromonte 2002] for an explanation of how this scoring matrix was determined).


Default gap penalties are determined as follows. If ‑‑match is specified, the open penalty is 3.25 times the mismatch penalty, and the extend penalty is 0.24375 times the mismatch penalty. (These are the same ratios as BLASTZ's defaults.) Both penalties are rounded up to the nearest integer. Otherwise, the gap penalties are 400 for open, 30 for extend.

By default, a run of Ns serves as a separator between shotgun reads or other spliced sequences, rather than indicating ambiguous nucleotides. This is a consequence of the steep fill_score handicap imposed for substitutions with N (LASTZ doesn't actually search for runs of Ns to treat specially). Generally a run of 50 or more Ns is sufficient to ensure that any alignment block is terminated.


OptionBLASTZ equivalentMeaning
--step=<offset> Z=<offset> Offset between the starting positions of successive target words considered for potential seeds. (But this does not apply to the query words, which always use a step size of 1.)
--maxwordcount=<limit> Words occurring more often than <limit> in the target are not eligible for seeds. Specifically, after the target seed word position table is built, any words exceeding this count are removed from the table.
--maxwordcount=<limit>% Set maxwordcount to keep a specified percentage of seed word positions. <limit> is a lower bound on the percentage of words to be kept (0 < limit < 100).

Setting this as a percentage makes it easier to maintain consistency across runs. The actual count is dependent on sequence length and composition as well as the step offset and seed pattern. For example, Figure 4 shows the variation among human chromosomes in hg18 for ‑‑seed=match13, ‑‑step=15, and ‑‑maxwordcount=90%. The gray bars show the percentage of seed word positions kept (the red line shows the ideal 90%). The blue numbers show the equivalent count, which varies greatly.

Figure 4

--masking=<count> M=<count> Dynamically mask the target sequence by excluding any positions that appear in too many alignments from further consideration for seeds.

Specifically, a cumulative count is maintained of the number of times each target location is aligned. After each query sequence is processed, any locations that have been output in at least <count> alignment blocks are masked, so they will be excluded from the seeding stage for subsequent query sequences. This option has no effect if there is only one sequence in the query file.

This option requires one byte of memory for each target location. The maximum value allowed for <count> is 254.

--targetcapsule=<capsule_file> The target seed word position table and seed (as well as the target sequence) are read from the specified file. When this option is used, the normal target specifier is omitted from the command line, and the following options are not allowed: ‑‑step, ‑‑maxwordcount, ‑‑masking, ‑‑seed, ‑‑word.
--segments=<segment_file> Read anchor segments from a file, instead of discovering them via seeding. This replaces any other options related to indexing, seeding, gap-free extension or chaining. Those stages are skipped, and processing begins with the gapped extension stage.
Defaults: By default a step of 1 is used, no words are removed from the target seed word position table, dynamic masking is not performed, and no target capsule or segment file is used.


OptionBLASTZ equivalentMeaning
--seed=12of19 T=1 or T=2 Seeds require a 19-bp word with matches in 12 specific positions (1110100110010101111).
--seed=14of22 T=3 or T=4 Seeds require a 22-bp word with matches in 14 specific positions (1110101100110010101111).
--seed=match<length> W=<length> Seeds require a <length>-bp word with matches in all positions.
--seed=half<length> Seeds require a <length>-bp word with matches or transitions in all positions. This option is not valid with quantum DNA.
--seed=<pattern> Specifies an arbitrary pattern of 1s, 0s, and Ts for seed discovery. (Note that Ts are not valid with quantum DNA.)
--transition T=1 or T=3 In each seed, allow any one match position to be a transition instead. This option is not valid with quantum DNA.
--transition=2 In each seed, allow any two match positions to be transitions instead. This option is not valid with quantum DNA.
--notransition T=2 or T=4 Don't allow any match positions in seeds to be satisfied by transitions.
--filter=[<transv>,]<matches> Filter the resulting seeds, requiring at least <matches> exact matches and allowing no more than <transv> transversions. If <transv> is not specified, any number of transversions is allowed (they are not limited). This option is not valid with quantum DNA.
--nofilter Don't filter seeds.
--ball=<score> Set the quantum seeding threshold, the minimum score required of a DNA word to be included in the seeding ball.
--ball=<percentage>% Set the quantum seeding threshold as a percentage of the maximum word score possible.
--twins=[<minsep>..]<maxsep> Require two nearby seeds on the same diagonal, separated by a number of bases in the given range. See the Seed Patterns section for more information. This option cannot be used in conjunction with ‑‑recoverseeds.
--notwins Allow single, isolated seeds.
--recoverseeds Avoid losing seeds in hash collisions. This will slow the alignment process considerably and cost more memory, and usually does not improve the results significantly. See the Gap-free Extension stage for more information. This option cannot be used in conjunction with ‑‑twins.
--norecoverseeds Ignore hash collisions, at the expense of missing some seeds. Note that missing seeds usually does not mean missing alignments, since most alignable regions have many seed hits.
Defaults: By default the 12-of-19 seed is used, one transition is allowed (except with quantum DNA), the hits are not filtered, twins are not required, and hash collisions are not recovered.

If the quantum action is used in the query file's sequence specifier, the default ball scoring threshold is 75% of the maximum word score possible.

Finding HSPs (Gap-free Extension)

OptionBLASTZ equivalentMeaning
--gfextend Perform gap-free extension of seeds to HSPs (high scoring segment pairs), according to the other options in this section.
--nogfextend Skip the gap-free extension stage, passing the seeds along to the next specified stage.
--exact=<length> Find HSPs using the exact match extension method with the given length threshold, instead of using the x-drop method.
--mismatch=<count>,<length> Find HSPs using the mismatch extension method with the given length threshold and allowing count mismatches, instead of using the x-drop method.

count is limited to the range 1≤count≤50.

--xdrop=<dropoff> X=<dropoff> Find HSPs using the x-drop extension method with the given termination threshold, instead of using the exact match method. The dropoff setting determines the endpoints of each gap-free segment: the extension of each seed is stopped when its cumulative score drops off by more than the given threshold from the maximum seen so far. See the Gap-free Extension stage for more details.
--hspthresh=<score> K=<score> Set the score threshold for the x-drop extension method; HSPs scoring lower are discarded.
--hspthresh=top<basecount> Set an adaptive score threshold for the x-drop extension method; HSPs scoring lower are discarded. The score threshold is chosen to limit the number of target sequence bases in HSPs to about <basecount> (or possibly a little higher in case of ties, etc.).
--hspthresh=top<percentage>% Set an adaptive score threshold for the x-drop extension method; HSPs scoring lower are discarded. The score threshold is chosen to limit the number of target sequence bases in HSPs to about <percentage> percent of the target (or possibly a little higher in case of ties, etc.).
--entropy P=1 Adjust for entropy when qualifying HSPs in the x-drop extension method. Those that score just slightly above the HSP threshold are adjusted downward according to the entropy of their nucleotides, and any that then fall below the threshold are discarded.
--entropy=report P=2 Adjust for entropy when qualifying HSPs in the x-drop extension method, and report (to stderr) any HSPs that are discarded as a result.
--noentropy P=0 Don't adjust for entropy when qualifying HSPs.
Defaults: By default seeds are extended to HSPs using x-drop extension, with entropy adjustment.

If ‑‑match scoring is used, the default x-drop termination threshold is 10 times the square root of the mismatch penalty, rounded up to the nearest integer. Otherwise the default is 10 times the A-vs.-A substitution score.

If ‑‑match scoring is used, the default HSP score threshold is 30 times the match reward (equivalent to the score of a 30-bp exact match). Otherwise the default is 3000.


OptionBLASTZ equivalentMeaning
--chain C=1 or C=2 Perform chaining of HSPs with no penalties.
--chain=<diag>,<anti> C=1 or C=2
Perform chaining with the given penalties for diagonal and anti-diagonal in the DP matrix. These are specified as positive values; subtraction from the score is implicitly assumed.
--nochain C=0 or C=3 Skip the chaining stage.
Defaults: By default the chaining stage is skipped.

Gapped Extension

OptionBLASTZ equivalentMeaning
--gapped C=0 or C=2 Perform gapped extension of HSPs (or seeds, if gap-free extension is not performed), after first reducing them to anchor points.
--nogapped C=1 or C=3 Skip the gapped extension stage. (This means that interpolation must also be skipped, since it is not allowed without gapped extension.)
--ydrop=<dropoff> Y=<dropoff> Set the threshold for terminating gapped extension; this restricts the endpoints of each local alignment by limiting the local region around each anchor in which extension is performed. The boundary of this region in the DP matrix is formed by the points where the cumulative score has dropped off by more than the given threshold from the maximum seen so far. See the Gapped Extension stage for more details.
--noytrim If y-drop extension encounters the end of the sequence, extend the alignment to the end of the sequence rather than trimming it back to the location giving the maximum score. This is highly recommended when either the target or query sequences are short reads (say, less than 100 bases), to prevent y-drop mismatch shadow.
--gappedthresh=<score> L=<score> Set the threshold for gapped extension; alignments scoring lower than <score> are discarded. When used along with the x-drop method for gap-free extension, this value is generally set at least as high as the HSP threshold. Setting it lower has no effect, since at worst the HSP itself would always qualify (both extension stages use the same scoring matrix).
--allgappedbounds Revert to handling bounding alignments the way they were handled in BLASTZ. This is discussed in Bounding Alignments in the DP Matrix.
Defaults: By default gapped extension is performed, and alignment ends are trimmed to the locations giving the maximum score.

If ‑‑match scoring is used, the default y-drop threshold is twice the x-drop threshold (or if x-drop extension was not performed, twice what the default x-drop threshold would have been); otherwise it is the score of a 300-bp gap.

The default for the gapped score threshold is to use the same value as the HSP threshold (which is settable via ‑‑hspthresh). If the HSP threshold was adaptive, then the lowest-scoring HSP that was kept is used for this default. If x-drop extension was not performed, the value used is whatever the default HSP threshold would have been.

Back-end Filtering

OptionBLASTZ equivalentMeaning
--identity=<min>[..<max>] Filter alignments by their percent identity, 0 ≤ min ≤ max ≤ 100 percent. Identity is the percentage of aligned bases that are matches. Alignment blocks outside the given range are discarded. This option is not valid with quantum DNA.
--continuity=<min>[..<max>] Filter alignments by how much of the input sequence aligns as matches or mismatches, rather than gaps, 0 ≤ min ≤ max ≤ 100 percent. Continuity is the percentage of alignment columns that are not gaps. Alignment blocks outside the given range are discarded.
--coverage=<min>[..<max>] Filter alignments by how much of the input sequence they cover, 0 ≤ min ≤ max ≤ 100 percent. Coverage is the percentage of the entire target or query sequence (whichever is shorter) that is included in the alignment block. Blocks outside the given range are discarded.
--matchcount=<min> Filter alignments by how many bases match, 0 ≤ min bases. Match count is the number of matched bases in the alignment. This option is not valid with quantum DNA.
--notrivial Do not output a trivial self-alignment block if the target and query sequences are identical. Note that using ‑‑self automatically enables this option.
Defaults: By default no back-end filtering is performed, and the trivial block is included if the sequences happen to be identical.


OptionBLASTZ equivalentMeaning
--inner=<score> H=<score> Perform additional alignment between the gapped alignment blocks, using (presumably) more sensitive alignment parameters. <score> is used as the threshold for both the gap-free and gapped extension sub-stages; see the discussion of interpolation for more details.

This option is only valid if gapped extension is performed.

Defaults: By default interpolation is not performed.


OptionBLASTZ equivalentMeaning
--output=<output_file> Write the alignments to the specified file name instead of stdout.
--format=<type> Specifies the output format: lav, lav+text, axt, axt+, maf, maf+, maf-, sam, softsam, sam-, softsam-, cigar, differences, rdotplot, text, general[:<fields>], or general-[:<fields>].
--rdotplot=<file> Create an additional output file suitable for plotting the alignment blocks with the R statistical package. The output file is the same as would be produced by ‑‑format=rdotplot, but this option allows you to create the dotplot file without having to run the alignment twice.
--markend Just before normal completion, write a marker line
    # lastz end-of-file
to the output file. This option can be useful with pipelines or batch servers, where there may be a question as to whether or not LASTZ completed successfully. Note that in some output formats this marker is not a legal line, in which case you must remove it before any downstream processing.
--census[=<output_file>] c=1 Count and report how many times each target base aligns, up to 255. Ns are included in the count (both bases that are Ns and bases aligning to Ns), and even bases aligning to gaps are counted. Requires one byte of memory for each target location.

For any of the lav formats, if <output_file> is omitted the census is included as a special stanza in the output. For all other formats <output_file> is mandatory.

--census16[=<output_file>] Count and report how many times each target base aligns, up to ≈65 thousand. Requires two bytes of memory for each target location.
--census32[=<output_file>] Count and report how many times each target base aligns, up to ≈4 billion. Requires four bytes of memory for each target location.
--nocensus c=0 Do not report a census of aligning bases.
--tableonly Just write out the target seed word position table and quit; don't search for seeds or perform any subsequent stages.
--tableonly=count Just write out the target word count table and quit; don't search for seeds or perform any subsequent stages.
--writecapsule=<capsule_file> Just write out a target capsule file and quit; don't search for seeds or perform any subsequent stages. The capsule file contains the target sequence, the seed, the target seed word position table, and other related information.
--writesegments=<segment_file> Write out alignments as segments, in the same format used for input by the ‑‑segments option. These anchor segments can then be used to anchor alignments in a subsequent run of LASTZ. This can be useful if you want to filter HSPs in some way before performing gapped extension, for example filtering them by length. Since anchor segments must be gap-free, this option cannot be used in conjunction with gapped extension.

--progress[=<N>] Report the count and name of every Nth query to stderr, as processing begins on that query. If N is omitted, every query is reported.
Defaults: By default alignments are written to stdout in lav format, no census is reported, and no target table or capsule is written out.


OptionBLASTZ equivalentMeaning
--traceback=<bytes> m=<bytes> Set the amount of memory to allocate (in RAM) for trace-back information during the gapped extension stage. <bytes> may contain an M or K unit suffix if desired (indicating a multiplier of 1,024 or 1,048,576, respectively). For example, ‑‑traceback=80.0M is the same as ‑‑traceback=83886080.
--word=<bits> Set the maximum number of bits for the word hash. Use this to spend less memory (in exchange for more time) and thereby avoid thrashing for heavy seeds.
Defaults: The default traceback space is 80.0M, and the default word hash is 28 bits.

Shortcuts for Yasra

There are several shortcut options to support the Yasra mapping assembler. These provide canned sets of option settings that work well for aligning an assembled reference sequence (as the target) with a set of shotgun reads (as the query). They are selected based on the expected level of identity between the sequences. For example, ‑‑yasra90 should be used when we expect 90% identity. The ‑‑yasraXXshort options are appropriate when the reads are very short (less than 50 bp).

--yasra98 T=2 Z=20 ‑‑match=1,6 O=8 E=1 Y=20 K=22 L=30 ‑‑identity=98
--yasra95 T=2 Z=20 ‑‑match=1,5 O=8 E=1 Y=20 K=22 L=30 ‑‑identity=95
--yasra90 T=2 Z=20 ‑‑match=1,5 O=6 E=1 Y=20 K=22 L=30 ‑‑identity=90
--yasra85 T=2      ‑‑match=1,2 O=4 E=1 Y=20 K=22 L=30 ‑‑identity=85
--yasra75 T=2      ‑‑match=1,1 O=3 E=1 Y=20 K=22 L=30 ‑‑identity=75
--yasra95short T=2      ‑‑match=1,7 O=6 E=1 Y=14 K=10 L=14 ‑‑identity=95
--yasra85short T=2      ‑‑match=1,3 O=4 E=1 Y=14 K=11 L=14 ‑‑identity=85


--version Report the program version and quit.
--help List all options.
--help=files Describe the syntax for sequence specifiers.
--help=formats Describe the available output formats.
--help=shortcuts List BLASTZ-compatible shortcuts.
--help=yasra List Yasra-specific shortcuts.

Sequence Specifiers

A target or query sequence specifier normally just indicates a file to be used in the alignment; however various pre-processing actions can also be specified. These are performed as the sequences are read from the file, and may include selecting a particular sequence and/or subrange, masking, adjusting sequence names, etc.

The format of a sequence specifier is


The <file_name> field is required; the actions list is optional. Note that the <actions> are enclosed in literal square brackets (in addition to the meta ones that just indicate they are optional), and consist of a comma-separated list (with no spaces), e.g. [action1,action2,...]. The * indicates that several action lists can be appended; they are treated the same as if they were in a single list.

Note that the actions apply to every sequence in the file. For example, if you specify a subrange of, say, [100..], you will skip the first 99 bp in every sequence.

The following actions are supported:

<subrange> Only a subrange of the sequence is processed. The usual form of a subrange is [<start>]..[<end>]. Either <start> or <end> can be omitted, in which case the start or end of the sequence is used. Subrange indices begin with 1 and are inclusive (i.e., they use the origin-one, closed position numbering system). For example, 201..300 is a 100-bp subrange that skips the first 200 bp in the sequence.

For BLASTZ compatibility, the alternative syntax <start>,<end> is also recognized. In this case both <start> and <end> are required.

Another useful syntax for this is <start>#<length>, which is handy for specifying an interval of known length at a given position; it is equivalent to <start>..<start+length−1>. Similarly, <center>^<length> specifies an interval of known length centered at the given position. Large lengths can be specified using M or K units if desired, e.g. 10.2M.

Additionally, if a subrange has <start> larger than <end>, the reverse complement of the extracted region is used. However, this can lead to non-obvious interactions with other features such as strand reporting, sequence masking, and segment files, so it should be used with care. Usually it is simpler to use the ‑‑strand options instead.

Note that subrange positions are always measured from the start of the sequence provided in the file (i.e., counting along the forward strand), even if the sequence is being reverse complemented.

multiple The file's sequences are internally treated as a single sequence. This action is required when the target (not the query) is comprised of multiple sequences.
subset=<names_file> The name of a file containing a list of desired sequence names; only these sequences will be processed. The names can be piped in by specifying /dev/stdin as the file. This action is only valid for FASTA, 2Bit, or HSX input files.
subsample=<k>/<n> Process only the kth sequence of every group of n sequences. k ranges from 1 to n. This action is only valid for FASTA, 2Bit, or HSX input files.
unmask Convert any lowercase bases to uppercase. Lowercase bases usually indicate instances of biological repeats, and are excluded from the seeding stage of the alignment process.
softmask=<mask_file> Mask the segments specified in <mask_file> by replacing them with lowercase equivalents. Lowercase bases usually represent instances of biological repeats, and are excluded from the seeding stage of the alignment process but not from later stages. Note that soft masking is performed after any unmasking.
softmask=keep:<mask_file> Mask the segments not specified in <mask_file> by replacing them with lowercase equivalents. Any base not in one of the specified intervals is replaced, and thereby excluded from the seeding stage (but not later stages) of the alignment process.
xmask=<mask_file> Mask the segments specified in <mask_file> by replacing them with Xs. (Note that this always masks with actual Xs, even if the scoring file specifies a different character as "bad".) See Non-ACGT Characters for information on how Xs affect the alignment process.
xmask=keep:<mask_file> Mask the segments not specified in <mask_file> by replacing them with Xs. Any base not in one of the specified intervals is replaced.
nmask=<mask_file> Mask the segments specified in <mask_file> by replacing them with Ns. See Non-ACGT Characters for information on how Ns affect the alignment process.
nmask=keep:<mask_file> Mask the segments not specified in <mask_file> by replacing them with Ns. Any base not in one of the specified intervals is replaced.
nameparse=full Report full sequence names in the output, instead of short names. As described in Sequence Name Mangling, LASTZ normally shortens FASTA and 2Bit sequence names in an attempt to include only the distinguishing core of the name. This action is provided in case LASTZ's choice of names is not helpful. It is only valid for FASTA or 2Bit sequence files.
nameparse=darkspace Extract the first word from the sequence header line, keeping only a non-whitespace string. If the first word is a filename, any directory/folder information is discarded. See Sequence Name Mangling for more information on how the name used for output is derived. This action is currently only valid for FASTA or 2Bit sequence files.
nameparse=alphanum Extract the first word from the sequence header line, keeping only an alphanumeric string. If the first word is a filename, any directory/folder information is discarded; then the name is truncated at the first character that is not a letter, digit, or underscore. See Sequence Name Mangling for more information on how the name used for output is derived. This action is currently only valid for FASTA or 2Bit sequence files.
nameparse=tag:<marker> Use the specified marker to extract a short name from the sequence header line. For example, nameparse=tag:foo will look for the string foo in the header line, and copy the name from the text following that, up to the next non-alphanumeric character. See Sequence Name Mangling for more information on how the name used for output is derived. This action is only valid for FASTA or 2Bit sequence files.
nickname=<name> Ignore any sequence names in the input file, instead using <name> in the output. See Sequence Name Mangling for more information on how the name used for output is derived.
quantum The sequence contains quantum DNA. Note that this changes the game significantly, and many of LASTZ's other actions and options are not valid with quantum sequences. Operations such as reverse complement, masking, special treatment of Ns and Xs, seeding options that need to recognize matches / transitions / transversions, and computation of percent identity do not apply because of the arbitrary quantum alphabet and the ability of its symbols to encode ambiguity.
quantum=<code_file> The sequence contains quantum DNA corresponding to the specified <code_file>, which assigns nucleotide probabilities for the quantum alphabet. These are only used to augment the display of alignment blocks in the Human-Readable Text output format.

In addition to the sequence specifier syntax shown above, LASTZ supports a more complicated syntax. This is to maintain compatibility with BLASTZ and early versions of LASTZ. All of the functionality described here can be performed using the newer syntax above.

The complete format of a sequence specifier is


As with the simpler syntax, the <file_name> field is required; all other fields are optional. The <file_name> and <actions> fields have the same meaning as in the simpler syntax.

<nickname>:: is equivalent to the <name> field in the nickname=<name> action.

/<select_name> is only valid for the 2Bit file format, and only when the file name ends with ".2bit". It specifies a single sequence from the file to use, rather than all sequences. This is similar to the subset=<names_file> action, except that here a single sequence name is given instead of a file of names. Note that the name must match the mangled sequence name extracted from the file.

{<mask_file>} is identical to the xmask=<mask_file> action.

A - (minus sign) is equivalent to swapping the endpoints in the <subrange> action; it causes the reverse complement of the sequence to be used instead of the sequence itself. Again, this should be used with care, as it can lead to murky interactions with other features. In BLASTZ it was needed for searching only the minus strand, but LASTZ provides a ‑‑strand option for that.

Processing Stages in Detail

Target Sequence Input

The target sequence is read at the beginning and kept in memory throughout the run of the program. Actions such as masking, unmasking, or reverse complement are applied when the file is read. If there are multiple sequences in the target file, they are treated internally as one long sequence (you must use the multiple action in the target file's sequence specifier to enable this).

In contrast, queries are processed individually and sequentially. Each query sequence is read just before its seeding stage. The seeding through output stages are performed, comparing the query to the target. Then by default, the same stages are repeated to compare the reverse complement of the query to the target, before moving on to the next sequence in the query file.

Scoring Inference

Scoring inference is not normally performed. As described in Inferring Score Sets, LASTZ can iteratively perform the complete alignment process on the target and query, to derive a suitable scoring set. This is only available for special builds of LASTZ, and will usually be too time-consuming to perform for all sequences being aligned. The typical application is to use it once on some sample sequences from the species of interest, save the scoring file, then use that scoring file for subsequent alignments.

Indexing Target Seed Words

This pre-processing stage parses the target sequence(s) into overlapping seed words of some constant length (you can think of these as 12-mers; the actual length is determined by the seed pattern). Each word is converted to a number, called the packed seed word, according to the specified seed pattern. These (word, position) pairs are collected into the target seed word position table. Conceptually, this table is a mapping from a packed seed word to a list of the target sequence positions where that seed word occurs.

This table is one of the major space requirements of the program. Both the memory and time required for seeding can be decreased by using sparse spacing. The ‑‑step option sets a step size: instead of examining every position, seed words are stored only for multiples of the step size. Large step sizes (say, ‑‑step=100) incur a loss of sensitivity, at least at the seeding stage. However, to discover any gapped alignment block we only need to discover one seed (of many) in that alignment, so the actual sensitivity loss is small in most cases. Section 6.2 of [Harris 2007] discusses some experimental results on the effect of step size on the end result.

The presence of biological repeats in the target and query can also be addressed during the building of the position table. A large number of repeats can adversely affect the speed of the program, by increasing the number of irrelevant alignments the program considers in the early stages. LASTZ has three techniques for dealing with repeats.

  1. Bases in the target and/or query sequences can be marked as repeats in advance, by using lower case. Target and query words containing lower case bases are left out of the seed word position table and skipped during seeding, respectively, so they do not participate in the seeding stage.
  2. If repeat locations are not known, the option ‑‑maxwordcount can be used to remove frequently occurring target seed words from the position table before query processing begins.
  3. Dynamic masking (‑‑masking) can be used to mask target positions that have occurred in too many alignments; however this only affects subsequent query sequences.


Seeds are short near-matches between target and query sequences. They identify likely regions of homology that warrant further investigation, and serve as starting points for bootstrapping the alignment process. "Short" typically means less than 20 bp. Early alignment programs used exact matches (e.g. of length 12) as seeds, but more recent programs have used spaced seeds (these are described in more detail in the Seed Patterns section). For the purposes of this section, a seed can be thought of as a 12-mer exact match.

To locate seeds, the query sequence is parsed into seed words the same way the target is (except that ‑‑step does not apply to the query; we look at every seed word). Each packed seed word is used as an index into the target seed word position table to find the target positions that have a seed match for this query position. Query seed words containing lower case bases are skipped, so that repeats will not participate in the seeding stage.

Quantum Seeding:

For alignments with quantum DNA it is not possible to do a direct lookup into the target seed word position table. The position table is for DNA words (consisting of A, C, G, and T), whereas the query consists of symbols from an arbitrary alphabet. The quantum sequence is parsed into seed words as before, but instead of a direct lookup, each word, called a q-word, is first converted to a quantum seeding ball of those DNA words that are most similar to it. Similarity is determined by the scoring matrix; all words with a combined substitution score above the quantum seeding threshold (set by the ‑‑ball option) are considered to be in the ball. Then each word in the ball is looked up in the target seed word position table as usual, with all such hits considered to be seed matches for the q-word.

The quantum seeding threshold can also be set as a percentage of the maximum word score possible. If an exact match seed is used, the maximum word score is the highest value in the substitution matrix multiplied by the seed length. If a spaced seed is used, the multiplier is the number of 1 positions in the pattern.

Note that the seeding options that provide special treatment for transitions (Ts in the seed pattern, half-weight seeds, allowing one or two match positions to be transitions, etc.) are not supported for quantum alignments. These options would make the quantum seeding procedure more complex, and are not really necessary because the quantum mechanism itself provides an alternative way to increase the alignment sensitivity. Also note that q-words containing lower case bases are not discarded, since the quantum alphabet is arbitrary and many ASCII bytes do not even have upper/lowercase versions.

Gap-free Extension

In this stage, each seed is extended without allowing gaps to determine whether it is part of a high-scoring segment pair (HSP). The seed is extended along its DP matrix diagonal independently in both directions according to an extension rule, currently either exact match, M-mismatch, or x-drop.

Exact match extension (‑‑exact) simply extends the seed until a mismatch is found. If the resulting length is enough, the extended seed is kept as an HSP for further processing. Exact match extension is most useful when the target and query are expected to be very similar, e.g. when aligning short reads to a similar reference genome.

M-mismatch extension (‑‑<M>mismatch) extends the seed to find the longest interval that includes the entire seed and contains no more than M mismatches. If the resulting length is enough, the extended seed is kept as an HSP for further processing. M-mismatch extension is most useful when the approximate divergence between the target and query is known, and HSPs of a known length are desired. It provides a way to specify both length and identity thresholds together, with more flexibility than ‑‑exact.

In x-drop extension (‑‑xdrop), as we extend in each direction we track the cumulative score for the extended match according to the substitution scoring matrix. The extension is stopped when the score drops off by more than the given x-drop threshold; that is, when the difference between the peak score seen so far and the current score is more than <dropoff>. (Another way to think of it is that the segment ends when a section scoring worse than −<dropoff> is encountered.) The extension is then trimmed back to the peak point. If the combined score of the seed plus both extensions meets the threshold set by the ‑‑hspthresh option, it qualifies as an HSP and is kept for further processing. Matches that do not meet the score threshold are discarded. The ‑‑entropy options control whether or not the scores are adjusted for nucleotide entropy when they are compared to the threshold.

Adaptive Score Threshold:

Often it is not clear in advance what value to use for the x-drop method's HSP score threshold — set it too high and hardly anything will align, but too low and the program will be swamped and not finish. LASTZ's adaptive scoring options (‑‑hspthresh=top<basecount> and ‑‑hspthresh=top<percentage>%) allow you to set the threshold indirectly to align the desired amount of the target (as an approximate number of bases or as a percentage, respectively). This way you can set it for, say, 10% (which will run quickly regardless of the data), then examine the scores in those results and make an informed choice for your real threshold.

Diagonal Hashing:

LASTZ includes a time and space optimization that deals with multiple seeds in the same HSP. The number of seeds in an HSP is generally proportional to both the length of the HSP and the similarity of the sequences being compared. For long HSPs or very similar sequences, performing extension over and over for many seeds in the same HSP would adversely affect the run time. To prevent this, LASTZ maintains a diagonal extent table that tracks the latest seed extension on each diagonal (only the latest is needed because of the way the seeds are sorted). As new seeds "arrive", if they overlap an earlier extension, they are simply ignored. While this saves time, a direct implementation could require a lot of space. For two human chromosomes of size 250M bp, the DP matrix has 500 million diagonals, and storing one position for each diagonal would require 2G bytes. To save memory, LASTZ hashes diagonals to 16-bit values and tracks extensions only by the hash value. While this saves space, it results in a miniscule loss of sensitivity — LASTZ may miss some seeds due to hash collisions. Using ‑‑recoverseeds will prevent losing these seeds, but will slow the program significantly. Moreover, since most true alignments contain many HSPs, with many seeds in each HSP, the vast majority of lost seeds have no effect on the final results.

HSP Chaining

The chaining stage aims to find a series of HSPs that forms a high-scoring path through the DP matrix, aligning as much as possible while avoiding backtracking in either sequence. Conceptually it does this by examining all combinations of HSPs and scoring the chains according to the relative positions of the HSPs (e.g. the distances between them along the diagonal and anti-diagonal) as well as their individual scores. All HSPs not in the highest-scoring chain are discarded.

Ideally this process selects the "real" alignments, filtering out noise (such as extra alignments due to repeats), and producing a set of HSPs where each base is aligned at most once; however this is not guaranteed. LASTZ's implementation is primarily intended for the case where elements are known to appear in the same relative order and orientation in the query as in the target. (However, note that because the forward and reverse strands are processed in separate pipelines, it will not necessarily cause inversions to be discarded.) If LASTZ's implementation of chaining is not suitable, it is possible to substitute another chaining program by first running LASTZ with the ‑‑nogapped and ‑‑writesegments options to get the HSPs, running a separate chaining program to filter them, and then running the final stages of LASTZ on that output via the ‑‑segments option.

Figure 5(a) shows an alignment without chaining, while 5(b) shows the same alignment with chaining.

Figure 5(a)

without chaining

lastz target query --nochain
Figure 5(b)

with chaining

lastz target query --chain

Gapped Extension

Before the HSPs are extended further by allowing gaps, each HSP is first reduced to a single anchor point; this allows for the possibility that the optimal alignment may include gaps within the region occupied by the HSP. The gap-free HSP is only an indication of likely homology in that vicinity; other paths through the same region that allow gaps may have a higher score, so we don't want to just extend from the ends of the HSP. Instead we run the gapped algorithm from a single point that we think is most likely to lie on the optimal path, namely the middle of the highest-scoring 31-bp interval in the HSP. A more general (and expensive) approach would be to examine all paths through the square region defined by the HSP, instead of starting from a single anchor point.

Figure 6(a) illustrates the relationship of seeds, HSPs, and anchors. Heavy lines are seeds, which were extended without gaps (see Overview) to create HSPs (thin lines). Blue dots are anchors. Seeds with no HSP shown (gray lines) had low-scoring extensions and were discarded at the gap-free extension stage.

Figure 6(a)

seeds, HSPs, and anchors

Figure 6(b)

anchors and gapped extensions

The anchors are then processed in the order of their HSP's score (highest first). Gapped extension is performed independently in both directions from the anchor point, and the two resulting alignments are joined at the anchor. If the total score meets the threshold specified by the ‑‑gappedthresh option, the joined alignment is kept and passed to the next stage; otherwise it is discarded. If the extension from one anchor happens to go through one or more other anchors, the redundant anchors are dropped from the list.

Figure 6(b) shows the relationship of anchors and their gapped extensions. The blue dots are the anchors from 6(a), which are extended in both directions to form gapped alignments (squiggly lines; the gaps are too small to be visible at this scale). One anchor had low-scoring extensions that did not meet the threshold. Another had an extension that ran directly through a nearby anchor; that anchor did not need to be processed separately.

The gapped extensions are computed using a typical dynamic programming recurrence for affine gap alignment (e.g. [Myers 1989] or [Gusfield 1997]), beginning at the anchor and terminating at the point with the highest cumulative score. The portion of the DP matrix examined is reduced by disallowing low-scoring regions (see [Zhang 1998]): wherever the alignment score drops below the peak score seen so far by more than the threshold specified in the ‑‑ydrop option, the DP matrix is truncated and no further cells are computed along that row or column. By default the extension is then trimmed back to the location of the peak score; thus the extension normally ends when all remaining sub-alignment possibilities (paths in the DP matrix) begin with sections that score worse than −<dropoff>. However for alignments where the extension reaches the end of the sequence, you can suppress this trimming by specifying the ‑‑noytrim option, which is recommended when aligning short reads.

Figure 7 shows the effect of the y-drop threshold in more detail. Extension is performed in two directions from the anchor (in this example, to the upper right and lower left, because both sequences are on the positive strand). The gray region is the portion of the DP matrix explored by the extension algorithm; its boundary is formed by the points where the score dropped from the maximum by more than the y-drop threshold.

Figure 7

effect of y-drop

Back-end Filtering

Whatever alignment blocks have made it through the above gauntlet are then subjected to identity, continuity, coverage and match count filtering (as specified by the ‑‑identity, ‑‑continuity, ‑‑coverage and ‑‑match count options, respectively). Blocks that do not meet the specified range for each feature are discarded.

Identity is the fraction of aligned bases (excluding columns containing gaps or non-ACGT characters) that are matches, expressed as a percentage. The numerator is the number of matches in the alignment block, while the denominator is the number of matches plus the number of mismatches. Characters that differ only in upper vs. lower case are counted as matches. Columns containing gaps or non-ACGT characters play no part in this computation, and it is independent of the settings for ‑‑ambiguous=n and bad_score. Identity cannot be determined for alignments with quantum DNA, because of the potential ambiguity of the symbols.

Continuity is the fraction of alignment columns that do not contain gaps, expressed as a percentage. The numerator is the number of matches plus mismatches in the alignment block, while the denominator is the number of columns.

Coverage is the fraction of bases in the entire input sequence (target or query, whichever is shorter) that are included in the alignment block, expressed as a percentage. Such bases are aligned in the block to either bases or gaps in the other sequence. Note that if there are multiple sequences in the target and/or query, only the current one is considered; however if an input sequence is spliced with runs of Ns or Xs, then the combination of all its subsequences (including the splice characters between them) is considered as one input sequence, because LASTZ does not explicitly recognize the splicing. Also note that each block's coverage is computed independently of other blocks, and each must meet any specified filter range by itself; blocks cannot be combined to meet coverage requirements.

Match Count is is the number of matched bases in the alignment. Characters that differ only in upper vs. lower case are counted as matches, columns containing gaps or non-ACGT characters are not. Match count cannot be determined for alignments with quantum DNA, because of the potential ambiguity of the symbols.


Once the above stages have been performed, it is not uncommon to have regions left over in which no alignment has been found. In the interpolation stage (activated by the ‑‑inner option) we repeat the seeding through gapped extension stages in these leftover regions, at a presumably higher sensitivity. Using such high sensitivity from the outset would be computationally prohibitive (due to the excessive number of false, low-scoring matches), but is feasible on the smaller, leftover regions.

Another complete alignment round (seeding, gap-free extension, chaining, and gapped extension, even if some of these were skipped in the main alignment; but not back-end filtering) is performed in the small areas between the alignment blocks found in the preceding main alignment stage. Only regions within 20K bp from the endpoints of the passed-in alignment blocks are searched. Seeding for this alignment requires a 7-bp exact match with no transitions, and uses the specified scoring threshold for both its gap-free and gapped extension sub-stages. (This threshold should generally be set lower than the corresponding ones in the main alignment, in order to increase the sensitivity of the interpolation.) All other parameters are the same as those used for the main alignment stages.

Figure 8 shows the operation in more detail. The alignment blocks resulting from gapped extension are shown in 8(a) as squiggly lines. After interpolation, in 8(b), additional alignment blocks have been discovered in the red areas. Note that there are still some holes remaining, where these sequences just don't align well.

Figure 8(a)

before interpolation

lastz target query
Figure 8(b)

after interpolation

lastz target query --inner=1000

Alignment Output

The alignment blocks found by the preceding pipeline of stages are written to stdout (or to a file specified with the ‑‑output option) in the requested format. These may be seeds, gap-free HSPs, or gapped local alignments, depending on which stages were performed. There is no particular order to the alignment blocks for an individual query sequence (e.g. they are not sorted by score or position). However, since the query sequences are processed serially, the blocks for each one will appear together in the output.

File Formats

LASTZ typically receives two sequence files and possibly a scoring file as inputs, and produces an alignment file as output.

DNA sequences can be provided in FASTA, Nib, or 2Bit format, or indirectly via an HSX index. These sequences contain a series of A, C, G, T, and N characters in upper or lower case. Lower case indicates repeat-masked bases, while Ns represent unknown bases if the ‑‑ambiguous=n option is specified. (By default, a run of Ns or Xs is used to separate sequences that have been catenated together for processing, but this is now deprecated; see Non-ACGT Characters for a discussion of the use of Ns and Xs.) As an alternative to DNA sequence, quantum DNA using an abstract alphabet can be used as the query (but not as the target).

The FASTA and 2Bit formats support more than one sequence within the same file. Files containing multiple sequences are normally only used as the query; however invoking the multiple action in the file's sequence specifier allows them to be used for the target as well. Also, the subset action allows one or more sequences to be selected from such a file.

FASTA (sequence input)

FASTA format stores DNA sequences as plain text. The first line begins with a > followed by the name of the sequence, and all subsequent lines contain nucleotide characters. The lines can be of any length. If the file contains multiple sequences, each should start with its own > header line. NCBI FASTA specification

Note that although the official FASTA specification allows the character X only in amino acid sequences, LASTZ accepts it in DNA sequences as a splicing character. However, LASTZ does not currently support IUPAC-IUB ambiguity codes other than N (such as R, W, etc.), beyond the treatment afforded by ‑‑ambiguous=iupac.

It has become common for suppliers of FASTA files to pack a plethora of additional information into a sequence's header line. This extra information can create difficulties for many sequence processing tools. For example, headers often contain spaces but file formats such as MAF do not allow spaces in sequence names. To compensate for this, LASTZ provides several options for extracting a concise name from sequence headers; see Sequence Name Mangling for details.

Nib (sequence input)

Nib format stores a single unnamed DNA sequence, packed as two bases per byte. UCSC Nib specification

2Bit (sequence input)

2Bit format stores multiple DNA sequences, encoded as four bases per byte with some additional information describing runs of masked bases or Ns. UCSC 2Bit specification

Sequence names in 2Bit files have all the same problems as in FASTA files, so Sequence Name Mangling applies to these files as well.

Quantum DNA (sequence input)

A quantum DNA file describes a single sequence of "quantum" DNA, which uses an abstract, user-defined alphabet. Each position in the sequence is a byte with a value in the range 0x01..0xFF, which can represent an ambiguity code, amino acid, or any other meaning you desire. LASTZ does not try to interpret these in any way; it just aligns them as abstract symbols corresponding to columns in the scoring matrix. Note that the value 0x00 is prohibited.

The file itself is stored in a binary format described by the table below. It can be written on either a big-endian or little-endian machine; LASTZ determines the byte order of multi-byte fields by examining the magic number at the start of the file. Be sure to use the quantum action in the file's sequence specifier to notify LASTZ that it contains quantum DNA.

File OffsetDataMeaning
0x00 C4 B4 71 97
97 71 B4 C4
Magic number indicating big-endian byte order.

Magic number indicating little-endian byte order.
0x04 00 00 02 00 File conforms to version 2.0 of the Quantum DNA file format.
0x08 00 00 00 14 Header length in bytes, including this field through the all-zero field.
0x0C xx xx xx xx SOFF: offset (from file start) to sequence data.
0x10 xx xx xx xx NOFF: offset (from file start) to name; 0 indicates no name.
0x14 xx xx xx xx SLEN: length of sequence data.
0x18 00 00 00 00 Must be zero.
NOFF Name: a zero-terminated ASCII string.
SOFF Sequence data: a series of SLEN bytes, each of which is one quantum symbol in the sequence.

Quantum Code File

This file is used with the quantum action in a sequence specifier. It defines a mapping from quantum DNA symbols to vectors of values for the four nucleotides A, C, G, and T. Usually these indicate the nucleotide probability distribution for each symbol in the quantum alphabet. However, LASTZ doesn't interpret the values, and only uses them to to augment the display of alignment blocks in the Human-Readable Text output format.

Each line in the file gives the mapping for one symbol. Lines beginning with a # are considered to be comments and are ignored, as are blank lines. Data lines have five columns, separated by whitespace. The first field contains the symbol, as either a single character or two hexadecimal digits, while the remaining four fields contain values for A, C, G, and T, respectively. Each value can be either a single floating-point number or a fraction (two floating-point numbers with a / between them, without spaces). Any symbols in the quantum alphabet that aren't listed in this file receive zeroes for all four values.

Here is an example.

    # sym p(A|sym) p(C|sym) p(G|sym) p(T|sym)
      01  0.125041 0.080147 0.100723 0.694088
      02  0.111162 0.053299 0.025790 0.809749
      03  0.065313 0.007030 0.004978 0.922679
       ... more rows here ...
      FF  0.209476 0.014365 0.755682 0.020477

Sequence Name File

This file is used with the subset action in a sequence specifier to select particular sequences for processing. It consists of one sequence name per line. Lines beginning with a # are considered to be comments and are ignored, as are blank lines. Only the first whitespace-delimited word in any line is read as the name; the rest of the line is ignored.

Note that when used in conjunction with a FASTA or 2Bit file, the names must appear in the same order as they appear in the corresponding sequence file, and must match the mangled name extracted from that file. When used with an HSX file, the names can be in any order but must match names indexed in the HSX file.

Sequence Masking File

This file is used with the xmask and nmask actions in a sequence specifier. It consists of one interval per line, without sequence names. Lines beginning with a # are considered to be comments and are ignored, as are blank lines. Only the first two whitespace-delimited words in any line are interpreted as the interval; the rest of the line is ignored.

Each interval describes a region to be masked, and consists of

    <start> <end>
Locations are one-based and inclusive on both ends (i.e., they use the origin-one, closed position numbering system). Note that the masking intervals are counted along the forward strand, even if we are only aligning to the reverse complement of the query specifier (i.e. for ‑‑strand=minus).

Here is an example. If the target sequence is hg18.chr1, this would mask the 5' UTRs from several genes. Note that the third column is neither required nor interpreted by LASTZ, and acts as a comment.

     884484  884542  NM_015658
     885830  885936  NM_198317
     891740  891774  NM_032129
     925217  925333  NM_021170
     938742  938816  NM_005101
     945366  945415  NM_198576
    1016787 1016808  NM_001114103
    1017234 1017346  NM_001114103
    1041303 1041486  NM_001114103

Scoring File

This file is used with the ‑‑scores option to specify a set of (mostly) scoring-related parameters en masse. The score set consists of a substitution matrix and other settings. The other settings come first and are individually explained in the table below. All settings are optional, and most of them have exact correspondence to command-line options and the same defaults (unless otherwise specified in the table). Command-line settings always override settings in this file. Any line may end with a comment (# is the comment character).

In the matrix, rows correspond to characters in the target sequence, while columns correspond to characters in the query. Matrix labels can be specified either as single ASCII characters or as two-digit hexadecimal values in the range 01..FF (do not add a leading 0x). Note that the value 00 is not allowed. The rows and columns of the matrix need not have the same set of labels, so for example, a matrix might describe scoring between the 4-letter DNA alphabet and the 15-letter ambiguity alphabet. Any labels other than A, C, G, and T (or their hex equivalents) are treated as quantum DNA. Score values can be floating-point if the lastz_D version of the executable is used instead of lastz.

Here is an example:

    # This matches the default scoring set for BLASTZ
    bad_score          = X:-1000  # used for sub['X'][*] and sub[*]['X']
    fill_score         = -100     # used when sub[*][*] is not defined
    gap_open_penalty   =  400
    gap_extend_penalty =   30

         A     C     G     T
    A   91  -114   -31  -123
    C -114   100  -125   -31
    G  -31  -125   100  -114
    T -123   -31  -114    91

BLASTZ scoring files are also accepted. These only contain a substitution matrix, and row labels must be absent (they are assumed to be the same as the column labels). No other settings are allowed.

       A     C     G     T
      91  -114   -31  -123
    -114   100  -125   -31
     -31  -125   100  -114
    -123   -31  -114    91

bad_score <score>
This score fills a single row and column of the substitution matrix, so that any occurrences of the corresponding characters are severely penalized. By default the "bad" character for both the target and query is X for DNA sequences or the null byte (00) for quantum DNA sequences, and the associated score is −1000.

This option allows you to change these characters and/or the score they receive. The <row> and <col> fields are character codes (as explained above); if they are absent X (and/or 00) is assumed. Note that these characters are case sensitive. The bad_score row and column cannot be removed entirely, but you can achieve the same effect by setting them to invalid characters that will never occur in your sequences. There is no corresponding command-line option.

fill_score <score> This is used as a default for all cells of the scoring matrix that are not otherwise set (either by the user or by LASTZ's defaults). This is the score used for Ns (unless ‑‑ambiguous=n is specified on the command line).

The default value is −100. There is no corresponding command-line option.

gap_open_penalty <penalty> This is identical to the <open> field of the ‑‑gap command line option.
gap_extend_penalty <penalty> This is identical to the <extend> field of the ‑‑gap command line option.
step <offset> This is identical to the ‑‑step command line option.
seed <strategy> This corresponds to the ‑‑seed and ‑‑transition command line options. <strategy> must be one of the following, with no spaces:
ball <score>
This is identical to the ‑‑ball command line option.
x_drop <dropoff> This is identical to the ‑‑xdrop command line option.
hsp_threshold <score> This is identical to the ‑‑hspthresh command line option, except that it does not currently support the ‑‑hspthresh=top<basecount> or ‑‑hspthresh=top<percentage>% variants.
y_drop <dropoff> This is identical to the ‑‑ydrop command line option.
gapped_threshold <score> This is identical to the ‑‑gappedthresh command line option.

Inference Control File

When LASTZ is asked to infer substitution scores and/or gap penalties from the input sequences (e.g. via the ‑‑infer option), this file is used to set parameters that control the inference process.

Here is an example (note that currently the parsing of this file is less flexible than some of the others, and * is the only arithmetic operator supported):

    # base the inference on alignments in the middle half by identity
    min_identity       = 25.0%    # 25th percentile
    max_identity       = 75.0%    # 75th percentile

    # scale scores so max substitution score will be 100, and only use
    # alignments scoring at least as well as 20 ideal matches
    inference_scale    = 100      # max substitution score
    hsp_threshold      = 20*inference_scale
    gapped_threshold   = hsp_threshold

    # allow substitution score inference to iterate at most 20 times;
    # don't perform gap penalty inference -- instead hardwire gap penalties
    # relative to max substitution
    max_sub_iterations = 20
    max_gap_iterations = 0
    gap_open_penalty   = 4*inference_scale
    gap_extend_penalty = 0.3*inference_scale

    # use all seedword positions (don't sample)
    step               = 1

    # adjust for entropy when qualifying HSPs
    entropy            = on

min_identity and max_identity specify the range of sequence identity upon which inference is based; only alignment blocks within this range contribute to the inference. If the value ends with a percent sign, it represents a percentile of the identity distribution over all the blocks; otherwise it is a fixed percent identity value. For example, min_identity=70 and max_identity=90 indicates that blocks with identity ranging from 70 to 90 percent will be used, while min_identity=25% and max_identity=75% indicates that half of the blocks will be used (from the middle of the distribution). The defaults are min_identity=0 and max_identity=100 (i.e., no blocks are excluded from inference due to percent identity).

inference_scale specifies a value for the largest substitution score (i.e., the score for the best match). All other scores are scaled proportionally. If this is set to none, the scores will be log-odds using base 2 logarithms. The default is inference_scale=100.

hsp_threshold and gapped_threshold correspond to the command line ‑‑hspthresh and ‑‑gappedthresh options. The defaults are hsp_threshold=3000 and gapped_threshold=hsp_threshold.

max_sub_iterations and max_gap_iterations specify limits on the number of inference iterations that will be performed. For example, if you only want a substitution scoring matrix, you can set max_gap_iterations=0. The defaults are max_sub_iterations=30 and max_gap_iterations=0.

gap_open_penalty and gap_extend_penalty correspond to the command line ‑‑gap=[<open>,]<extend> option. These are used for the first iteration of gap-scoring inference. The defaults are gap_open_penalty=3.25*worst_substitution and gap_extend_penalty=0.24375*worst_substitution.

step corresponds to the command line ‑‑step option. A large step, e.g. step=100, could potentially speed up the inference process. Ideally, this would base the inference on a sample of only one percent of the whole. However, the sample actually ends up larger than that and is biased toward HSPs that are either longer or have a lower substitution rate. This happens because sampling occurs at the seed level, and such HSPs generally have more seeds. Future versions of LASTZ may include a means to compensate for this bias. The default is step=1.

entropy corresponds to the command line ‑‑entropy option. Legal values are on or off. If on, sequence entropy is incorporated when filtering HSPs. The default is entropy=on.

The value of worst_substitution cannot be set directly. Instead, it is computed from the initial scoring matrix. It is the minimum score in the scoring matrix for any of the symbols A, C, G or T (equivalently, the most negative score or the maximum penalty).

Note that these parameters apply to the inference process only. If the corresponding command line options are also set, those will apply for the final, "real" alignment stages (and will also override the inferred values if there is a conflict), but will not affect the inference itself. Inference cannot be used in conjunction with a scores file.

HSX (Hashed Sequence Index)

An HSX file is an index of sequences in other files, allowing fast random access to those sequences. The current implementation of LASTZ only supports indexing FASTA files. Future versions may include Nib and 2Bit sequences. The following is a brief overview of the file format. For more detailed information, see the HSX specification

An HSX file can be created using the utility (included in the tools directory of the LASTZ distribution), using a command like this:

    build_fasta_hsx sequences.fa [more_sequences.fa ...] > index.hsx

It is important that the HSX file has the extension .hsx and resides in the same directory as the files being indexed. Further, the files being indexed must have the extension .fa or .fasta. These rules allow LASTZ to determine the sequence file type when it reads the HSX file, and to locate the files containing the sequences.

The index file includes names to be used for the sequences, which do not have to match the original names or headers in the sequence files. This feature obviates the need for LASTZ to perform sequence name mangling, so most of those actions are not supported for HSX files. Instead, it is the responsibility of the program that creates the index to select suitable names.

Target Capsule File

A target capsule file is essentially a memory dump of several internal data structures related to the target sequence and the target seed word position table. At the present time the authors do not wish to create an official specification for this format, but please see Using Target Capsule Files for information on how to create and utilize them.

Segment File

A segment file describes a list of segments representing gap-free alignments. This list is either produced internally by LASTZ as a result of the gap-free extension stage (see Overview), or read from a user-supplied file via the ‑‑segments option. The latter causes LASTZ to skip the indexing, seeding, and gap-free extension stages and begin with the chaining stage (or the next specified stage, if chaining is not requested).

The file contains two intervals per line, one from the target and one from the query, with sequence names. Lines beginning with a # are considered to be comments and are ignored, as are blank lines. # can also be used to put comments at the end of lines.

Each line looks like

    <name1> <start1> <end1> <name2> <start2> <end2> <strand2> [<score>] [#<comment>]
where <name1>, etc. correspond to the target sequence and <name2>, etc. correspond to the query. Fields are delimited by whitespace.

Locations are one-based and inclusive on both ends, i.e. origin-one, closed (thus the interval "154 228" has length 75 and is preceded by 153 bases in its sequence). Negative strand intervals are measured from the 5' end of the query's negative strand (corresponding to the rightmost end of the given query sequence, i.e. counted along the reverse strand). All target intervals are on the positive strand. The two intervals must have the same length (since these alignments are gap-free). The score is used to determine the processing order during gapped extension. Segments without scores are given a score of zero.

Query sequence names must appear in the same order as they do in the query file. For each query sequence, normally all positive strand intervals must appear before any negative strand intervals. Sequence names for the target may appear in any order, and are only meaningful if the multiple action is used; otherwise they are ignored. Intervals with names not found in the target or query are not allowed. In cases where sequence names are either unknown or of no importance (e.g. when all sequences in the file have the same name), a * can be used as a generic sequence name.

Here is an example.

    R36QBXA37A3EQH 151 225  Q81JBBY19D81JM 14  88 +  6875
    R36QBXA37D4L6V  26 100  Q81JBBY19D81JM 10  84 +  6808
    R36QBXA37EVLNU  19  93  Q81JBBY19D81JM  7  81 +  6842
    R36QBXA37CEBPD   8  81  Q81JBBY19D81JM  9  82 +  7108
    R36QBXA37BLO6X 132 205  Q81JBBY19D81JM 11  84 -  7339
    R36QBXA37A2W3P 162 214  Q81JBBY19D81JM  2  54 -  5024
    R36QBXA37A9395  62 136  Q81JBBY19A323K 18  92 +  7231
    R36QBXA37DNC74  18  82  Q81JBBY19A323K  2  66 +  6418
    R36QBXA37CTR26  83 167  Q81JBBY19ASA7F 19 103 +  8034
    R36QBXA37C2TAC  95 181  Q81JBBY19ASA7F 15 101 +  8272

LAV (alignment output)

LAV is the format produced by BLASTZ, and is the default. It reports the alignment blocks grouped by "contig" (chromosome, scaffold, read, etc.) and strand, and describes them by listing the coordinates of gap-free segments. This format is compact because it does not include the nucleotides, but consequently interpretation usually requires access to the original sequence files, and it is not easy for humans to read. LAV specification (same specification at PSU)

The option ‑‑format=lav+text adds textual output for each alignment block (in the same format as the ‑‑format=text option), intermixed with the LAV format. Such files are unlikely to be recognized by any LAV-reading program.

AXT (alignment output)

AXT is a pairwise alignment format popular at UCSC and PSU. UCSC AXT specification

The option ‑‑format=axt+ reports additional statistics with each block, in the form of comments. The exact content of these comment lines may change in future releases of LASTZ.

MAF (alignment output)

MAF is a multiple alignment format developed at UCSC. The MAF files produced by LASTZ have exactly two sequences per block: the first row always comes from the target sequence, and the second from the query. UCSC MAF specification

The option ‑‑format=maf+ reports additional statistics with each block, in the form of comments. The exact content of these comment lines may change in future releases of LASTZ.

The option ‑‑format=maf- suppresses the MAF header and any comments. This makes it suitable for concatenating output from multiple runs.

SAM (alignment output)

SAM is a pairwise alignment format used primarily for short-read mapping, and supported by the SAMtools programming suite. This format is described in [Li 2009], and as of October 2009 a specification for it can be found at the SAMtools page at SourceForge.

For SAM files, LASTZ assumes that the target sequence is the reference and that query sequence(s) are short reads. For alignments that don't reach the end of a query, ‑‑format=sam uses "hard clipping", while ‑‑format=softsam uses "soft clipping". See the section on "clipped alignment" in the SAM specification for an explanation of what this means.

The options ‑‑format=sam- and ‑‑format=softsam- suppress the SAM header lines. This makes them suitable for concatenating output from multiple runs.

CIGAR (alignment output)

CIGAR is an acronym for Concise Idiosyncratic Gapped Alignment Report, a pairwise alignment format defined originally by the Exonerate alignment program. The format has since been adapted in different forms, as ensembl cigar format and as an extended cigar string in SAMtools. For ‑‑format=cigar, LASTZ implements Exonerate CIGAR. LASTZ implements other CIGAR variants for ‑‑format=sam and as fields for ‑‑format=general.

Exonerate CIGAR format does not include nucleotides; instead it describes the locations of indels (but not substitutions) using run-length encoding. An alignment is characterized as runs of M (match and/or substitution), I (query contains a base not in target), and D (target contains a base not in query). Each run is encoded by the letter code, whitespace, and the length; multiple runs are separated by whitespace. The format also includes positional information for the start of the alignment. An example is shown at the end of this section. While there seems to be no complete, definitive specification for CIGAR, the CIGAR files produced by LASTZ are believed to match the format produced by Exonerate.

In the other variants of CIGAR, whitespace is removed and the order of the letter code and length are reversed (length appears before letter code). In some variants the length is omitted if it is 1; in other variants M runs are divided into = (match) and X (substitution). SAMtools extended cigar strings allow S and H runs to describe clipping operations for short sequences. LASTZ implements combinations of these variants where appropriate; details are described in ‑‑format=general:cigar, ‑‑format=general:cigarx and ‑‑format=sam.

To understand the differences between different types of CIGAR strings, consider the following alignment of a short 61-bp query to a longer target.

                   ||||||||||||||||X|||||||   |||||||  X||||||||||||||||||
                   ↑      1         2         3           4         5    ↑    6

For ‑‑format=cigar, the alignment would be described by this line:

    cigar: query 3 56 + target <start> <end> <strand> <score> M 24 I 3 M 7 D 2 M 19

For ‑‑format=general:cigar, the alignment path would be described by this field:


For ‑‑format=general:cigarx, the alignment path would be described by this field:


For ‑‑format=sam, the alignment path would be described by this field:


Differences (alignment output)

LASTZ's Differences format reports each difference between target and query on a separate line, where a difference is any indel or run of mismatches. It is intended for comparisons between close sequences, such as when comparing reads from a human individual to the human reference genome, or reads from a bacterial strain to a reference sequence for the same bacterium. The format is a tab-delimited table with one line per difference; it is well-suited for use with spreadsheets and the R statistical package.

The columns reported in this format are the name, start & end of the difference, strand, and overall size for the target; the name, start & end of the difference, strand, and overall size for the query; the text of the difference in the target, then in the query; and finally the text of the complete alignment block containing the difference, first in the target, then in the query. Intervals are origin-zero, half-open and counted along the forward strand.

The example below compares output in this format to similar results using the General output format for the same input sequences. For the Differences output, column numbers have been added for discussion (they are not in the actual output file). Each line in the output represents slight evidence that a mutation occurred changing the target sequence (chr22 here) to the query sequence (column 6). Columns 11 and 12 indicate the specific mutation that has putatively occurred. For example, the first line suggests that either an A has been inserted into chr22 at position 14485783, or an A has been deleted from EAYGRGI02GQ0SL at position 167 (actually, between positions 166 and 167). Note that there are three differences reported for EAYGRGI02GQ0SL, so it appears on three lines. The fifth line shows a putative SNP at chr22 position 15234401, with a C in the reference and a G in the read, while the seventh line shows evidence for an inversion of neighboring bases (AG vs. GA). Note that there are no lines for EAYGRGI01BIQCW, indicating a perfect match for that block (i.e., no differences).

Sample output for ‑‑format=differences.

     (1)     (2)      (3)  (4)   (5)         (6)       (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)(12)  (13)     (14)
    chr22 14485783 14485784 + 49691432  EAYGRGI02GQ0SL 167 167  +  303   A   -   TGAGA... TGAGA...
    chr22 14485791 14485792 + 49691432  EAYGRGI02GQ0SL 174 174  +  303   A   -   TGAGA... TGAGA...
    chr22 14485843 14485843 + 49691432  EAYGRGI02GQ0SL 225 226  +  303   -   A   TGAGA... TGAGA...
    chr22 14731895 14731895 + 49691432  EAYGRGI01EAV19 228 229  -  298   -   A   CTTCT... CTTCT...
    chr22 15234401 15234402 + 49691432  EAYGRGI02H5ZGS 99  100  -  180   C   G   CGAAT... CGAAT...
    chr22 15255536 15255537 + 49691432  EAYGRGI01BTT7U 56  56   -  267   A   -   TTTGC... TTTGC...
    chr22 15255552 15255554 + 49691432  EAYGRGI01BTT7U 71  73   -  267   AG  GA  TTTGC... TTTGC...
    chr22 15255617 15255618 + 49691432  EAYGRGI01BTT7U 136 136  -  267   A   -   TTTGC... TTTGC...
    chr22 15255624 15255625 + 49691432  EAYGRGI01BTT7U 142 142  -  267   A   -   TTTGC... TTTGC...

Sample output for ‑‑format=general:name1,zstart1,end1,strand1,size1,name2,zstart2+,end2+,strand2,size2,text1,text2.

    chr22 14485616 14485920 + 49691432  EAYGRGI02GQ0SL 0   303  +  303   TGAGA... TGAGA...
    chr22 14731668 14731964 + 49691432  EAYGRGI01EAV19 0   297  -  298   CTTCT... CTTCT...
    chr22 15234302 15234482 + 49691432  EAYGRGI02H5ZGS 0   180  -  180   CGAAT... CGAAT...
    chr22 15238845 15239070 + 49691432  EAYGRGI01BIQCW 0   225  -  225   TGGAA... TGGAA...
    chr22 15255480 15255750 + 49691432  EAYGRGI01BTT7U 0   267  -  267   TTTGC... TTTGC...

(This example aligns reads from the genome of James Watson (available from NCBI's trace archive by querying for CENTER_NAME = 'CSHL' and CENTER_PROJECT = 'Project Jim') vs. the human reference genome hg18.)

R Dotplot (alignment output)

This is a home-grown format designed to facilitate plotting the alignment blocks with the R statistical package. Alignments are reduced to a series of gap-free segments, each of which is written in three lines as shown below. Endpoints are origin-one, closed, and alignments on the reverse strand have <..._query_end> less than <..._query_start> so that R will draw them in the reverse (slope=−1) orientation.

    <target_name>            <query_name>
    <segment1_target_start>  <segment1_query_start>
    <segment1_target_end>    <segment1_query_end>
    NA                       NA
    <segment2_target_start>  <segment2_query_start>
    <segment2_target_end>    <segment2_query_end>
    NA                       NA

The file can then be plotted in R with commands like these:

    dots = read.table("your_file",header=T)

Human-Readable Text (alignment output)

This textual output is intended to be read by people rather than programs. Each alignment block is displayed with gap characters and a row of match/transition characters, and lines are wrapped at a reasonable width to allow printing to paper. The exact format of this output may change in future releases of LASTZ, so programs are better off reading more stable formats like LAV, AXT, or MAF.

General Output (alignment output)

LASTZ's General format is a tab-delimited table with one line per alignment block and configurable columns. This format is well-suited for use with spreadsheets and the R statistical package.

The syntax for this option is:

where <fields> is a comma-separated list of field names in the desired order, with no spaces. If this list is absent, the following fields are printed, in this order:  score, name1, strand1, size1, zstart1, end1, name2, strand2, size2, zstart2, end2, identity, coverage.  The recognized field names are shown below. Positions (start and end fields) are counted from the 5' end of the aligning strand, unless otherwise indicated in the table. Please see Interval Coordinates for more information about the position numbering systems used in LASTZ.

The option ‑‑format=mapping is a shortcut for ‑‑format=general with the following fields:  name1, zstart1, end1, name2, strand2, zstart2+, end2+, identity, coverage, cigarx-.

The options ‑‑format=general-[:<fields>] and ‑‑format=mapping- suppress column headers. This makes them suitable for concatenating output from multiple runs.

score Score of the alignment block. The scale and meaning of this number will vary, depending on the final stage performed and other command-line options.
name1 Name of the target sequence.
strand1 Target sequence strand, either "+" or "−".
size1 Size of the entire target sequence.
start1 Starting position of the alignment block in the target, origin-one.
zstart1 Starting position of the alignment block in the target, origin-zero.
end1 Ending position of the alignment block in the target, expressed either as origin-one closed or origin-zero half-open (the ending value is the same in both systems).
length1 Length of the alignment block in the target (excluding gaps).
text1 Aligned characters in the target, including gap characters. align1 can be used as a synonym for text1.
name2 Name of the query sequence.
strand2 Query sequence strand, either "+" or "−".
size2 Size of the entire query sequence.
start2 Starting position of the alignment block in the query, origin-one.
zstart2 Starting position of the alignment block in the query, origin-zero.
end2 Ending position of the alignment block in the query, expressed either as origin-one closed or origin-zero half-open (the ending value is the same in both systems).
start2+ Starting position of the alignment block in the query, counting along the query sequence's positive strand (regardless of which query strand was aligned), origin-one. Note that if strand2 is "−", then this is the other end of the block from start2.
zstart2+ Starting position of the alignment block in the query, counting along the query sequence's positive strand (regardless of which query strand was aligned), origin-zero. Note that if strand2 is "−", then this is the other end of the block from zstart2.
end2+ Ending position of the alignment block in the query, counting along the query sequence's positive strand (regardless of which query strand was aligned), expressed either as origin-one closed or origin-zero half-open (the ending value is the same in both systems). Note that if strand2 is "−", then this is the other end of the block from end2.
length2 Length of the alignment block in the query (excluding gaps).
text2 Aligned characters in the query, including gap characters. align2 can be used as a synonym for text2.
nmatch Number of aligned bases in the block that are matches.
nmismatch Number of aligned bases in the block that are mismatches (substitutions).
ngap Number of gaps in the block, counting each run of gapped columns as a single gap.
cgap Number of gaps in the block, counting each gapped column as a separate gap.
diff Differences between what would be written for text1 and text2. Matches are written as . (period), transitions as : (colon), transversions as X, and gaps as - (hyphen).
A CIGAR-like representation of the alignment's path through the DP matrix. This is the short representation, without spaces, described in the Ensembl CIGAR specification.

For more information, see the section about CIGAR and its example.

Same as cigar, but uses a newer syntax that distinguishes matches from substitutions and omits the run length when it is 1.

For more information, see the section about CIGAR and its example.

identity Fraction of aligned bases in the block that are matches (see Identity). This is written as two fields. The first field is a fraction, written as <n>/<d>. The second field contains the same value, computed as a percentage.
continuity Rate of non-gaps (non-indels) in the alignment block (see Continuity). This is written as two fields. The first field is a fraction, written as <n>/<d>. The second field contains the same value, computed as a percentage.
coverage Fraction of the entire input sequence (target or query, whichever is shorter) that is covered by the alignment block (see Coverage). This is written as two fields. The first field is a fraction, written as <n>/<d>. The second field contains the same value, computed as a percentage.
diagonal The diagonal of the start of the alignment block in the DP matrix, expressed as an identifying number start1-start2.
shingle A measurement of the shingle overlap between the target and the query. This is intended for the case where both the target and query are relatively short, and their ends are expected to overlap.

Other Output

LASTZ includes support for other output formats which are intended mainly for the convenience of the developers. If you have specific questions, please contact us.

Advanced Topics

Interval Coordinates

The biological research community has established several competing standards describing intervals on a strand of DNA. Different programs often use different standards. Since LASTZ supports several input and output formats, it is inevitable that it uses more than one way of describing an interval. We describe the different conventions here.

For this discussion, suppose we have a 50-nucleotide strand of DNA as follows:

        origin-one, closed: 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
                                      ↓      ↓
                                      ↑       ↑
    origin-zero, half-open: 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789

Note that since this is DNA it has 5' and 3' ends; we assume that all input sequences follow the standard practice of listing the bases with the 5' end on the left. Here we've highlighted the subsequence ATTACCTA so we can discuss how to describe the interval it occupies. There are two commonly used ways to do this. Both count from 5' to 3' (left to right). One way, origin-one, starts counting from one. The other way, origin-zero, starts counting from zero. So in origin-one, ATTACCTA begins at position 11, while in origin-zero it begins at position 10.

To describe the ending position, there are also two commonly used methods. One way is closed, in which the position of the last nucleotide is given. The other is half-open, in which the position following the last nucleotide is given. These are theoretically independent of the conventions for the origin, but in practice only two of the combinations are commonly used: origin-one, closed and origin-zero, half-open. In the former, ATTACCTA is said to occupy the interval (11,18), while in the latter it is said to occupy the interval (10,18). Notice that only the first number changes between these two paradigms; the second number stays the same.

Another factor to consider is that DNA is usually double stranded, which would look like this:

        along forward:        12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
                                        ↓      ↓
                                        ↑      ↑
        along reverse:        09876543210987654321098765432109876543210987654321

In some cases it makes sense to refer to the interval along the complement strand. For example, if the above sequence was a query and the target contained TAGGTAAT, how should the query position of an alignment of those two be described? One way would be to still refer to the interval along the forward strand (which we also call the plus or positive strand), and just indicate that in fact it was the reverse complement of that interval that aligned. We call this counting along the forward strand. Another way is to count from the other end, from the 5' end of the complement strand (which we also call the reverse, minus or negative strand). We call this counting along the reverse strand, and for clarity we might add "from its 5' end". In this example, if we were using origin-one, closed counting, we would say that TAGGTAAT occurs at (33,40) along the reverse strand. Unless noted otherwise (e.g. for the R Dotplot output format), when counting along the forward or reverse strand LASTZ swaps the interval's endpoints if necessary, so the position called start is numerically ≤ the position called end. This is a common convention, but there are other programs that leave them unswapped.

Note that when counting positions all characters in the sequence are counted, including runs of Ns or Xs and even invalid characters. This is important so that other programs can use the reported positions to index directly into the original sequences.

Non-ACGT Characters

The handling of characters other than A, C, G, and T in sequences that are supposed to represent DNA is problematic. In ordinary (non-quantum) DNA sequences, LASTZ currently supports two of these, N and X. They can either be present in the original input file (except that the Nib and 2Bit formats are incapable of containing Xs), or added by using an xmask or nmask action in the sequence specifier. LASTZ can also be configured to tolerate the other IUPAC-IUB ambiguity codes.

Many database sequences contain Ns to represent bases for which the actual nucleotide is not known (at least, not known with any level of confidence). Ns (or better, Xs) can also be used to mask out regions that have previously been identified as being of no interest, and therefore should not be aligned. And unfortunately, there is also a tradition of using strings of Xs or Ns to splice together multiple sequences to gain efficiency when dealing with programs that were limited to operating on a single sequence.

Although splicing was useful in BLASTZ, it is no longer needed for LASTZ. Since LASTZ can handle multiple target sequences (via the multiple action in the target file's sequence specifier), it is preferred that users not resort to splicing. However, replacing BLASTZ with LASTZ in an existing pipeline may still involve spliced sequences, so LASTZ's default interpretation of non-ACGT characters is the same as BLASTZ's:  Xs are excluded from the alignment seeding stage, and are so severely penalized by alignment scoring that they will not normally appear in any alignment. Ns are also excluded from seeding, and are penalized about the same as a transversion mismatch. Specifically, any substitution with X is scored as −1000, and any substitution with anything else (other than A, C, G, or T) is scored as −100. Note that you have to put "enough" Xs or Ns between the sequences so that no alignment block will cross the splice. This can be tricky, since gap scoring is only dependent on the length of the gap and not on the characters in the gap. So if a gap the same length as the splice is not penalized more than the y-drop setting, the alignment may hop the splice. As a rough guideline, a splice length of 50 is usually enough with the default settings, but this is not guaranteed.

This default treatment of non-ACGT characters also works well when Xs or Ns are used to mask out regions that should not be aligned. However, it is inappropriate when the sequences contain Ns to represent ambiguous bases. To handle this case, LASTZ provides the ‑‑ambiguous=n option, which causes substitutions with N to be scored as zero. Additionally, the ‑‑ambiguous=iupac option causes the other IUPAC-IUB ambiguity codes (B, D, H, K, M, R, S, V, W, Y) to be treated this same as an ambiguous N.

In either case, non-ACGT characters are ignored during the seeding stage. Only seed words that consist entirely of A, C, G, and/or T are involved in seeding, even if the non-ACGT characters occur in "don't-care" positions in the seed pattern.

The score values described above can be changed if a scoring file is specified. The −1000 score is called bad_score and the −100 score is called fill_score. Further, which character is considered "bad" (by default this is X) can also be specified in the scoring file, and can actually be different between the target and query. Throughout this document, when we refer to the character X appearing in a DNA sequence, we generally mean the character specified as "bad", which defaults to X.

Quantum DNA sequences are different: they use an arbitrary, user-defined alphabet of symbols, so the above-mentioned special treatments for N and X do not apply. The default "bad" character for quantum sequences is the null byte (00 hexadecimal), which is not even allowed in the sequence; however it can be changed to one of the valid alphabet symbols via the scoring file. There is no analog of ambiguous Ns for quantum sequences, as typically every symbol has some level of ambiguity.

Sequence Name Mangling

Often the names in the input sequence files are inconvenient for downstream processing, or create problems with certain output formats. This is further complicated by the fact that some input formats (most notably Nib) do not contain sequence names, so in those cases a name must be derived from the filename. LASTZ provides several choices for naming the input sequences. These alternatives are mutually exclusive; only one can be used at a time for a particular input file.

Internally, LASTZ handles the naming task in two phases. First, it creates a full header for the sequence. If the input format provides a name or header, that becomes the full header. Otherwise, the full header is constructed from the file name.

In the second phase, LASTZ shortens the full header to a nickname. If the full header starts with a file name, any path prefix is removed, and commonly-used file extension suffixes are also removed (.fa, .fasta, .nib, .2bit). Then by default, LASTZ uses the first word (composed of characters other than whitespace, vertical bar, or colon) of the remaining string as the sequence name. Thus a FASTA header like "> ~someuser/human/hg18/chr1.fa Human Chromosome 1" is shortened to simply chr1.

The actions nameparse=darkspace and nameparse=alphanum in the sequence specifier change how the first word is determined. darkspace (i.e., "non-whitespace") narrows the set of terminating characters to allow vertical bars and colons to appear in the word, while alphanum widens it so the word is restricted to only alphabetic, numeric, and underscore characters. Path prefixes and file extensions are still removed.

The default shortening is often adequate. For example, consider the following FASTA file. By default, the names will be 000007_3133_3729 and 000015_3231_1315.

    >000007_3133_3729 length=142 uaccno=FX9DQEU13H5YZN
    >000015_3231_1315 length=190 uaccno=FX9DQEU13HUTXE

However, the user may find it more convenient to use the accession numbers. To accomplish this, she can use the nameparse=tag:uaccno= action. LASTZ will look for the tag string uaccno= in each header and read the name from the characters that follow it, up to the first character that is not alphabetic, numeric, or an underscore. In this case the sequence names would be FX9DQEU13H5YZN and FX9DQEU13HUTXE. If the tag string is not found in the full header for a particular sequence, the default shortening is used instead.

Now consider this FASTA file:

    >gi|197102135|ref|NM_001133512.1| Pongo abelii ...
    >gi|169213872|ref|XM_001716177.1| PREDICTED: Homo sapiens ...
    >gi|34784771|gb|BC006342.2| Homo sapiens ...

In this case the default action does not do what we want (all sequences would be named gi). The action nameparse="tag:gi|" gives us the names 197102135, 169213872, and 34784771. (Note the quotes; this is necessary to prevent the command-line shell from interpreting | as a pipe character.) Observe that a tag of ref| will not work, because the third sequence would need gb| instead.

Sometimes it is more convenient just to assign a specific name. This can be done with the nickname=<name> action. For example, using the target and query file specifiers ~someuser/human/hg18/chr1.nib[nickname=human] and ~someuser/human/ponAbe2/chr1.nib[nickname=orang], the output will show the sequences as human and orang rather than calling them both chr1. If <name> contains the substring {number}, the nickname will contain the number of the sequence within the file. This is particularly useful when there is more than one sequence in the file.

If you want to do away with name mangling entirely, you can use the action nameparse=full. This uses the full header as the sequence name. But note that if it contains spaces, the resulting alignment files may not be readable by downstream tools.

The above discussion applies to ordinary DNA sequences in FASTA, Nib, or 2Bit format. HSX index files are handled differently: by default LASTZ uses the name from the index as-is, without shortening it, and the various nameparse actions are not allowed. The nickname action can be used, but is generally not necessary since you can store the names you want directly in the index.

Note that if the subset=<names_file> action is used, the names in the <names_file> must match the mangled (or indexed) names.

For FASTA files, more complicated name mangling can be performed using standard Unix command-line tools. In the second example above, we could pipe the input through sed a couple times to shorten each name to the NCBI accession numbers NM_001133512.1, XM_001716177.1, and BC006342.2.

    cat query_file.fa \
      | sed "s/>.*ref\|/>/g" \
      | sed "s/>.*gb\|/>/g" \
      | lastz target /dev/stdin

Seed Patterns

Seeds are short near-matches between the target and query sequences, where "short" typically means less than 20 bp. Early alignment programs used exact matches (e.g. of length 12) as seeds, but spaced seeds can improve sensitivity when the sequences are diverged.

A spaced seed pattern is a list of positions, in a short word, where a seed may contain mismatches. For example, consider the seed pattern 1100101111. A 1 indicates a match is required in this position, and a 0 indicates a mismatch is allowed (effectively it is a "don't care" position). As the example below shows, using this seed pattern, the seed word GTAGCTTCAC hits twice in the sequence ACGTGACATCACACATGGCGACGTCGCTTCACTGG.

    (mis)match:    ||XX|X||||          ||X|||||||
         query:    GTAGCTTCAC          GTAGCTTCAC
       pattern:    1100101111          1100101111

Spaced seeds have been shown to be more sensitive than exact match seeds, with little change in specificity. This is most advantageous when the sequences have lower similarity, such as human vs. mouse or chicken. Which seed pattern is best depends on the sequences being compared. See [Buhler 2003] for a discussion of spaced seeds and how to design them.

LASTZ's seeding options give the "user" many choices. The intent is that these will be selected by some program (hence the quote marks around "user"), but they are available from the command line for anyone.

N-mer match:

A space-free seed can be specified by the length of the N-mer match required.

General seed patterns:

Any spaced seed pattern can be specified. The pattern is a string of 1s, 0s, and Ts, where a 1 indicates that a match is required in that position, a 0 indicates that a mismatch is allowed, and a T indicates that a mismatch is allowed only if it is a transition (A↔G or C↔T).
The default seed is ‑‑seed=1110100110010101111, which is the same 12-of-19 seed used as the default in BLASTZ.

Half-weight seed patterns:

If a seed pattern consists of only 0s and Ts, it is implemented internally as a half-weight seed, which uses much less memory (the same amount as a normal seed pattern half as long). Additionally, ‑‑seed=half<length> can be used as shorthand to specify a space-free half-weight seed (i.e., all Ts).

Single, double, or no transitions:

By default, one match position (a 1 in a spaced seed, or any position in an N-mer match) is allowed to be a transition instead of a true match. ‑‑notransition disables this. Alternatively, ‑‑transition=2 allows any two match positions to be transitions.

Filtering on transversions and matches:

The ‑‑filter option imposes additional requirements on the number of transversions and matches in a valid seed. This is especially useful in conjunction with half-weight patterns. For example,
    --seed=TTT0T00TT00T0T0TTTT --filter=2,15
specifies the same pattern as the default seed, but allows the twelve T positions to be matches or transitions, requires at least fifteen matches total (among the 19 positions), and allows at most two transversions. Note that the transversions can only occur in the 0 positions, since the T positions allow only matches or transitions. And although there are seven 0 positions, five of them must contain matches or transitions since only two transversions are allowed.

Twin hit seeds:

The sensitivity of the seed can be decreased by ignoring seeds that don't have a second hit nearby, i.e. by requiring two seeds on the same diagonal.
The distance between the hits (the number of bases between the end of the first hit and the beginning of the second) must be at least <minsep> but not more than <maxsep>. If <minsep> is omitted, zero is used (which means the twin seeds may be adjacent but not overlap). Negative values can be used; for example ‑‑twins=‑5..10 means the twins can overlap by as much as 5 bases or can have as much as 10 bases between them.

Any-or-None Alignment

Sometimes, the only answer you want from an aligner is whether a query has any strong alignments to the target or not. For example, you may want to know which reads in a sequencing run have no alignment with a reference genome. In this case, if a read aligns to a thousand different places on a particular chromosome, you aren't interested in learning where — all you want to know is whether it aligned or not.

The ‑‑anyornone option is designed for such cases, and can significantly improve alignment speed. Once any qualifying alignment has been found, processing for the current query is halted. The alignment is reported to the output, and then we immediately begin processing the next query. A qualifying alignment is one that would normally be output given the other parameter settings; for example it satisfies the scoring thresholds (‑‑hspthresh and/or ‑‑gappedthresh) and any back-end filters.

To get a list of reads that have at least one "good" alignment with a reference sequence, you could do something like this:

    lastz <reference> <reads> --anyornone  \
      --step=10 --seed=match12 --notransition --exact=20 --noytrim \
      --match=1,5 --ambiguous=n \
      --coverage=90 --identity=95 \

This option slightly changes the usual processing order described in the Overview. Instead of performing gap-free extension on all seeds, collecting them into a list of HSPs, and then performing gapped extension, each HSP is gap-extended and back-end filtered immediately. This avoids wasted work to perform complete early stage processing on hits that will just be abandoned as soon as the first qualifying alignment is found.

Y-drop Mismatch Shadow

The default configuration of gapped extension in LASTZ is to end the alignment where the score would be the highest. This means that any prefix or suffix of the alignment will have a non-negative score. While this is appropriate for alignments that lie somewhere in the middle of two long sequences, it is not desirable when an alignment is near the end of one or both sequences, which happens quite often when aligning short reads.

Consider the following alignment of a 50-base query to a chromosome target, and suppose we are using ‑‑match=1,5, ‑‑gap=6,1, ‑‑identity=97, and ‑‑coverage=95. The entire alignment as shown has 97.9% identity (46/47) and 100% coverage. However, the first five bases (AGAAC vs. AGAAG) have a negative score: four matches at +1 each and one mismatch at −5 gives a score of −1 for this prefix. The highest scoring alignment is from positions 6 through 50, for a score of 33 (the entire alignment scores only 32). If we stop the alignment at the highest score, coverage drops to 90%, and the alignment is discarded. The overall result is that we will discard reads that we don't want to, and we will see a bias against mismatches near the ends of reads. (Note that this anomaly arises because the alignment is terminated abruptly by the end of the sequence rather than normally by a low-scoring region; also the ‑‑coverage option is more commonly used with short reads than with longer sequences.)

                    ||||X||||||||||||||||||   ||||||||||||||||||||||||
                         ↑                                           ↑

To avoid this behavior, use the ‑‑noytrim option when aligning short reads. This causes LASTZ to refrain from trimming such alignments back to the highest-scoring location. Specifically, if the gapped extension process encounters the end of the sequence, it will keep that as the end of the alignment. In this case a negatively-scoring prefix or suffix will be kept as long as it does not score worse than the ‑‑ydrop value.

Shingle Overlap

In some applications, e.g. when assembling reads into contigs, we want to determine how sequence ends overlap each other. For example, in case 1 below, the start of the query overlaps the end of the target by 30 bases, and both sequences extend beyond each other in opposite directions. We call this situation "shingling" (like shingles on a rooftop), and the shingle field of the General output format provides a measurement of it. A positive value indicates that the start of the query overlaps the end of the target (case 1), while a negative value indicates the roles are reversed (case 2). If neither of these cases occurs (e.g. if either sequence fails to extend beyond the other), an NA is reported.

Case 1 (shingle = +30):


Case 2 (shingle = −30):


Note that the value reported has no relation to the number of bases that align in that region, nor is it an indication that the alignment extends all the way to the start or end of the sequences. The shingle value is just evidence that the proper registration of the two reads is to overlap them by the given value — information that an assembler might use in assembling those reads into a contig.

Using Target Capsule Files

Target capsule files are provided to improve run-time memory utilization when multiple CPU cores on the same computer are running LASTZ with the same target sequence. They permit the lion's share of the large internal data structures to be shared between the processes. This allows more copies of LASTZ to be run simultaneously with less physical memory, which can improve the throughput, for example, when mapping a large set of reads to a single (large) reference sequence.

To create a capsule file, use a command like this:

    lastz <target> --writecapsule=<capsule_file> [<seeding_options>]
Applicable seeding options are ‑‑seed, ‑‑step, ‑‑maxwordcount, and ‑‑word.

To use the capsule file, run LASTZ like this:

    lastz --targetcapsule=<capsule_file> <query> [<other_options>]
No additional effort on the part of the user is required to handle sharing of the capsule data between separate runs. Nearly all options are allowed; however the seeding options ‑‑seed, ‑‑step, ‑‑maxwordcount, and ‑‑word are not allowed, since these (or their byproducts) are already stored in the capsule file. Further, ‑‑masking is not allowed, because it would require modifying both the target sequence and the target seed word position table, which are contained in the capsule.

Internally LASTZ asks the operating system to directly map the capsule file into the running program's memory space in a read-only fashion. Multiple running instances can map the same file; each instance will have its own virtual addresses for the capsule data, but the physical memory is shared. There is no requirement for more than one instance to actually use the capsule simultaneously. Running a single copy of lastz with ‑‑targetcapsule will work fine, and in fact there may be a small speed improvement compared to running the same alignment without a capsule.

The downside of this technique is that the capsule files are very large and are also machine-dependent. For example, the file for human chromosome 1 is about 1.4 Gb. Note that attempts to run a capsule built on a mismatched computer are detected and rejected.

Inferring Score Sets

Scoring inference is an automated method for determining appropriate substitution scores and/or gap penalties directly from the sequences being aligned. The resulting scoring parameters can be saved to a file and/or used immediately to align the sequences. Generally these depend mostly on the species rather than particular regions, so once a suitable scoring set has been obtained for a pair of species, the inference does not need to be performed for each alignment run. In this section we give a brief overview of the inference process; see [Harris 2007] for a more detailed description.

Inference is achieved by computing the probability of each of the 18 different alignment events (gap open, gap extend, and 16 substitutions). These probabilities are estimated from alignments of the sequences. Of course, at first we don't have alignments, so we start by using a generic scoring set to create alignments, infer scores from those, then realign, and so on, until the scores stabilize or "converge". Ungapped alignments are performed until the substitution scores converge, then gapped alignments are performed (holding the substitution scores constant) until the gap penalties converge.

To have LASTZ infer scoring parameters, use a suitably enabled build of LASTZ (see below), and specify the ‑‑infer or ‑‑inferonly options. (The latter will stop after inferring the parameters, without performing the final alignment.) Settings for the inference process can be specified in a control file included with these options.

The ‑‑infscores option causes the inferred scoring parameters to be written out to a separate file. If no <output_file> is specified, it is written to the header of the alignment output file, as a comment. As a last resort, if no alignment is performed the scoring set is written to stdout. The parameters are written in the same format used to input scoring sets.

Usually it is undesirable to use all alignment blocks for inference. Blocks with a high substitution rate (low identity) are likely to be false positives. On the other hand, blocks with few substitutions (high identity) will be found regardless of what scoring parameters are used. Thus it is desirable to base the inference only on statistics from a mid-range of identity. By default the middle 50% is used (that is, the 25th through 75th percentile from the identity distribution), but this can be changed in the control file.

Special Builds Required:

Since the inference is an iterated process, greater accuracy can be achieved by using the floating-point version of LASTZ (lastz_D). Moreover, the technique used to infer gap penalties has not yet been shown to select good values, so the author recommends that users only employ inference for substitution scores. To encourage these recommendations, the scoring inference code is blocked from operation in the integer scoring version of LASTZ (lastz), and gap penalty inference is blocked in both versions. Special build options are available to defeat the blocks; contact the author if you are interested.

Dynamic Programming Matrix

Differences from BLASTZ

Bounding Alignments in the DP Matrix

During the gapped extension stage, LASTZ processes the anchors in order of score (highest scoring anchor is extended first, and so on). As anchors are extended, a list of bounding alignments is constructed. These correspond to paths in the DP matrix. Bounding alignments created for higher-scoring anchors are used to bound the possible DP paths that lower-scoring anchors can take. This prevents alignments from crossing each other.

In BLASTZ, every gapped extension became a bound, and this was originally the default behavior in LASTZ, through release 1.1.52. However, this caused LASTZ to miss some alignments which it should have found. The failure case occured as follows. A high-scoring anchor is extended but fails to meet the score threshold. But it gets added as a bound. Then the extension of a lower-scoring anchor is prevented from crossing or intersecting with that path, and it too gets discarded even though it might score highly enough. This could occur, for example, when two extensions would (in the absence of each other) share the same tail, and the higher-scoring of the two has a lower-scoring anchor.

The correction for this is to only use alignments as bounds if they satisfy the score threshold. This corrected behavior is now the default in LASTZ (as of release 1.02.00). The ‑‑allgappedbounds option can be used to revert to the bounding criteria used in BLASTZ.

Change History

1.0.1Jul/28/2008 Initial release.
1.0.5Aug/2/2008 Fixed a bug that in some cases caused a bus error when interpolated alignments (e.g. ‑‑inner=…) were used with multiple queries.
Added xmask=<file> and nmask=<file> file masking actions.
1.0.21Sep/9/2008 Fixed a bug involving the default value for ‑‑gappedthresh (a.k.a. L) when ‑‑exact is used. The bug caused the gapped threshold to be inordinately low, allowing undesirable alignment blocks to make it to the output file.
Fixed a bug whereby Xs and Ns were treated as desirable substitutions when unit scores (e.g. ‑‑match=…) were used.
Re-implemented ‑‑twins=…. The previous implementation improperly truncated the left-extension of HSPs. The new implementation is slower and uses more memory.
Added ‑‑census=<file>. The census counts the number of times each base in the target sequence is part of an alignment block. Previously, ‑‑census produced a census only if the output format was LAV (the census is a special stanza in a LAV file). Otherwise the option was ignored. Now, if a file is specified a census is written to that file. The format of lines in the census is <name> <position> <count>. The position is one-based, and the count is limited to 255.

In situtations where 255 is too limiting, ‑‑census16=<file> or ‑‑census32=<file> can be used, with limits of about 65 thousand and 4 billion, respectively. Note that these will respectively double and quadruple the amount of memory used for the census. The default census uses one byte per target sequence location.

Added ‑‑format=<differences>, to support Galaxy. All differences (gaps and runs of mismatches) are reported, one per line.
Added ‑‑anchors=<file> (eventually this was renamed to ‑‑segments=<file>), giving the user the ability to bypass the seeding and gap-free extension stages.
Changed default gap penalties for unit scores (e.g. ‑‑match=…) to be relative to mismatch score (instead of match score).
Made the <start>#<length> file subrange action better at checking errors, and also allowed <length> to use units such as M and K.
Sped up program exit by no longer freeing dynamically allocated memory.
1.1.0Dec/5/2008 Improved x-drop extension to better handle suboptimal HSPs. Left-extension now starts at the right end of the seed (rather than the left end). This reduces the chance that the extended region (the combination of left and right extensions) will score less than some subinterval.
Changed coverage filtering so that it is relative to whichever sequence is shortest. Previously it was always relative to the query.
Changed defaults for xdrop and ydrop when ‑‑match scoring is used.
Interpolation now uses the xdrop value from the main alignment. Previously it used the ydrop value to match BLASTZ, but we have decided that was a bug in BLASTZ.
Added general output format.
Added ‑‑maxwordcount.
Added ‑‑notrivial.
Corrected problem with ‑‑subset action, which wasn't using mangled sequence names.
Fixed problem in writing LAV m- and x-stanzas.
Blocked the use of scoring inference in the integer build, and blocked gap scoring inference in all builds.
Changed much of the syntax for options and actions. The newer syntax is clearer and more consistent than the older. The older is still supported by the program so that existing scripts will still work, but it is not documented.
Changed reporting of duplicated options from can't understand "<option>" to duplicated or conflicting option "<option>".
Added ‑‑format=rdotplot option.
1.1.25Feb/5/2009 Fixed a bug that caused some gapped extensions to be terminated prematurely. In some cases this also allowed a nearby low-scoring alignment to "piggyback" onto the remainder of a terminated alignment, gaining enough in score to pass the score threshold.
Added support for target capsule files.
Added support for ‑‑format=cigar.
Added the <center>^<length> sequence interval specifier.
Corrected the behavior of ‑‑exact regarding lowercase and non-ACGT characters. ‑‑exact now considers, e.g., a lowercase A to be a match for an uppercase A. Further, any non-ACGT characters now stop the match.
Improved detection and reporting of memory allocation overflow. Two problems were fixed as part of this: (1) allocation of single blocks larger than 2 Gb was being rejected even on platforms that could support larger blocks, and (2) an allocation overflow problem which could cause a segfault for target sequences longer than about 1 Gb (these require allocation of a block larger than 4 Gb).
Changed the behavior when encountering an empty sequence in a file with many sequences. Previously this was reported as an error, and the program halted. Now it is reported as a warning (to stderr), and the program continues.
Added the ‑‑output option. In some batch systems, it is difficult to redirect stdout into a file, so this option allows the user to do it directly.
Removed ‑‑quantum and ‑‑code options, replacing them with the quantum and quantum=<code_file> sequence specifier actions. This is in preparation for allowing a quantum target sequence.
1.1.50Mar/16/2009 Fixed two problems with exact-match extension. First, when both target and query used the multiple sequence specifier action, exact match extension was able to skip the boundary between sequences (this problem was introduced in 1.1.25). Second, when the exact match should have extended to the end of the sequence, it was being cut short by 1 bp (on either end). The latter problem was only evident for ‑‑nogapped; a gapped entension recovered the additional bases.
Fixed several problems with ‑‑segment=<file>. First, if the file contained more than 4,000 segments, on some platforms the program would segfault. Second, if a sequence subrange was being used, the limit test comparing the segment interval to the subrange was incorrect. Third (if the user was lucky enough to avoid the first two problems), if a segment was on the negative strand it was improperly mapped to the subrange.
Added ‑‑noytrim to prevent y-drop mismatch shadow, improving LASTZ's ability to align short reads.
Set the default gapped extension score threshold to inherit the lowest HSP score in the case where ‑‑hspthresh=top<basecount> or ‑‑hspthresh=top<percentage>% is used but ‑‑gappedthresh=<score> is not (and gapped extension is performed). Previously this case was trapped by a low level routine and the alignment was halted.
Fixed a problem with the start2+ field of ‑‑format=general. The position was left blank for alignments on the + strand.
Fixed a problem in which ‑‑writecapsule was rejected if ‑‑seed=match<length> was used.
Fixed a problem related to name mangling which caused an "internal error" to be reported.
Fixed a problem whereby single-symbol identifiers were not recognized in quantum code files.
End of sequence limit checking for <start>#<length> and <center>^<length> sequence specifier actions is now "soft". If the resulting interval is beyond the end of the sequence it is truncated.
Changed how ‑‑format=cigar reports alignments on the negative strand. Apparently there is no complete spec for CIGAR format. Matching what I see output by exonerate for certain cases is the best I can do.
Quantum code files can now specify probabilities as fractions. This gives a clearer representation for motif-like sequences derived from a multiple alignment.
Added cigar field for ‑‑format=general.
Added shingle field for ‑‑format=general.
Added the ‑‑rdotplot=<file> option.
The ‑‑notrivial option now works with the multiple sequence specifier action.
Added ‑‑markend.
Added ‑‑nameparse=darkspace.
Modifed the build process to accomodate the Solaris platform.
1.1.52Mar/24/2009 Fixed a bug that occurred when ydrop was less than the penalty for a one-base gap (the sum of open and extend penalties). In this case, a bug in the initialization of the DP matrix resulted in no gapped alignments ever being found.
Fixed a problem with the combination of ‑‑recoverseeds and ‑‑exact. Recovered seeds were cut short by one base on the left end.
Added ‑‑format=segments option. This was later replaced by ‑‑writesegments.
Added a workaround in the source code for what appears to be a bug in gcc 4.3.2 (see Without the workaround, the build fails with this message:
    quantum.c: In function 'generate_dna_ball':
    quantum.c:347: error: array subscript is above array bounds
The workaround uses an ifdef that specifically targets gcc 4.3.2.
1.02.00Jan/12/2010 Relaxed the rejection of some output formats, which was too aggressive. Specifically, runs with ‑‑tableonly were rejected because of output format, even though no output would be generated in that format.
Added the ability to set the ‑‑maxwordcount option as a percentage. Also, ‑‑maxwordcount=<limit> now allows <limit> to be 1. Previously it was not allowed to be less than 2.
The scoring matrix used during x-drop extension now reflects the use of ‑‑ambiguous=n. Previously, this matrix was not affected by ‑‑ambiguous=n, and N-vs-N matches and N-vs-other matches were scored as -100 (more specifically, as fill_score) during gap-free extension. This caused LASTZ to miss some HSPs, usually those containing an N-vs-N match, since the HSP was terminated at that match and didn't meet the score threshold. This has been corrected.
Added support for HSX indexes, to support random access into FASTA files. This improves the speed of aligning a single read (from a file of half a million) by a factor of about 12.
Added ‑‑softmask=<mask_file> file action to permit soft masking of specified intervals. Also added masking of the interval complements — ‑‑xmask=keep:<mask_file>, ‑‑nmask=keep:<mask_file>, and ‑‑softmask=keep:<mask_file>. These make it easier to restrict alignment to several specified intervals of a sequence.
Enabled the use of ‑‑filter=[<transv>,]<matches> for non-halfweight seeds. Previously, ‑‑filter had only been tested for half-weight seeds, but was erroneously prohibited for all seeds (instead of just prohibiting non-halfweight seeds). Further, it was not properly implemented for seed-only output (‑‑nogfextend ‑‑nogapped). These have all been corrected, and ‑‑filter is now available for all seed types.

Also corrected the behavior of ‑‑filter regarding lowercase and non-ACGT characters. ‑‑filter now considers, e.g., a lowercase a to be a match for an uppercase A. Further, for the purposes of ‑‑filter, any non-ACGT characters are considered to be transversions.

Also changed the behavior when the <transv> field is absent. This is now interpreted as unlimited transversions. Previously it meant that no transversions were allowed. This should be a safe change in behavior since it was (unintentionally) not possible for users to access this feature previously.

Added a compile-time directive compileForWindows to make appropriate behavioral adjustments for running on a Windows machine. Currently this only affects the handling of file paths. To activate it, the user must add -DcompileForWindows to the definition of definedForAll in .../lastz‑distrib‑X.XX.XX/src/Makefile.
Fixed chaining of seed hits. Previously, if ‑‑nogfextend and ‑‑chain were used together, nothing was output. This was due to the fact that unextended seeds had no scores, and the chaining algorithm only reports chains with positive score. This has been corrected by calculating scores (as the sum of substitution scores) over anchor segments whenever (a) the segments have not had scores computed for them, and (b) scores are required for later processing.

This change may also affect (for the better) the results of gapped extension when either ‑‑nogfextend or ‑‑exact is used. Gapped extension processes the anchors highest score first. Since ‑‑nogfextend left all scores zero, the actual order in which gapped extension was performed in that case was dependent on how the sort routine (the C runtime routine qsort) deals with ties. For ‑‑exact, the score was the length of the match. This has been changed to the segment's substitution score.

Changed ‑‑format=segments to ‑‑writesegments=<file>.
Added M-mismatch extension.
Added the replacement of {number} in sequence nicknames.
Added support for continuity reporting and filtering.
Added support for match count filtering.
Fixed a bug in handling subrange actions for nib files. The problem occurred when the subrange action was of the form <start>.. and <start> was even. That is, no <end> was specified, and LASTZ is supposed to use the remainder of the sequence. LASTZ miscalculated the length of the interval, making it one base longer. If the actual full sequence length was odd, this resulted in an extra T being appended to the sequence data. If the full sequence length was even, LASTZ quit, reporting that it was unable to read the sequence. Note that this only happened for .nib files, only when <start> when even, and only when no <end> was specified.
Added the subsample action.
Added the ‑‑anyornone option.
Added ‑‑allgappedbounds.
Fixed a bug in exact and mistmach extension and queries using the multiple action. It was possible for an HSP to cover parts of two different queries.
Fixed an overflow bug in the chaining algorithm. Due to numerical overflow, very high scoring HSPs were treated as negatively scoring, and thus were not included in final chains. With default scoring values, overflow was caused by the equivalent of an exact match of about 22Mbases. This problem also existed in BLASTZ.
Added support for output in SAM format.
Corrected dotplot output. Previously, some of the coordinate values were inconsistent and off by one.
Added ‑‑progress=[<N>]. This existed as an unadvertized option in earlier versions of the program, as ‑‑debug=queryprogress=<N>. It has now been promoted to a first class option.
Added ‑‑ambiguous=iupac and changed ‑‑ambiguousn to ‑‑ambiguous=n. the former is still supported, but not advertized.
Column headers for ‑‑format=general now match the command-line keywords. Previously, all related keywords shared the same column header. For example, keywords start2, zstart2, start2+ and zstart2+ all produced the same column header, start2, in the output file.

Also added ‑‑format=general-.

Now using inttypes.h macros for sized-types. This is to satisfy some additional type-checking pickiness that appears to have added to gcc version 4.2.1. In the unlikely even that a compiler doesn't support inttypes.h, the compile-time definition override_inttypes can be used.
Added nmatch, nmismatch, ngap, cgap and cigarx fields for ‑‑format=general.
Added ‑‑format=mapping, a shortcut for typical fields for ‑‑format=general for mapping reads.


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Gusfield D (1997). Algorithms on strings, trees and sequences. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p. 244.

Harris RS (2007). Improved pairwise alignment of genomic DNA. Ph.D. thesis, Pennsylvania State University.

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Bob Harris and Cathy Riemer