Mapping between identifiers

Sometimes having the window divided into three panels makes the center one too narrow to work in easily. In these cases you can click on the large "<" and ">" arrow buttons in the lower corners to hide the tool and/or history panels. When you are done with the wider center panel, or need to access something in the other panels, just click the arrows again to reopen them. Here we have closed both panels to more easily see the UCSC Table Browser interface.

First make sure the genome and assembly are correct; we want Human build hg19 in order to match our history datasets. We will be using the UCSC Known Genes table because it has the most additional information, including connections between various identifiers, and we want them for the full genome. All of these options are shown in the red box below. We also want the output format to be "selected fields from primary and related tables", and to have the results sent back to Galaxy (red arrows). Then click the "get output" button (green arrow).

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