Computing the sequence coverage distributions

First we start with a new history which we renamed to Example 4. We need a SNP dataset in gd_snp format to work with. We start by bringing into our history the "human SNP, like aye-aye" dataset from the Genome Diversity shared library. This is a low coverage dataset. Note in the history panel that this dataset has approximately nine million SNPs. If you need help bringing in data from the Shared library see example 1.

To get an idea of exactly what the coverage is like and to help us choose parameters for running later queries we will run a coverage distribution. In the tool panel in the section Genome Diversity, click on the Coverage Distributions tool. The dataset we just imported should already be chosen, and we want the distributions for all the individuals, so we can go ahead and click the Execute button.

Note: the red arrows in the screen shots show the selections to be made, the blue arrows point out items of interest, and the green arrows are the actions that take you to the next step.

[screen shot]