ALLocalization API

NAOqi Vision - Overview | API | Tutorial | Advanced

Namespace : AL

#include <alproxies/allocalizationproxy.h>



int ALLocalizationProxy::clear(const std::string& pDirectory)

Deletes the data of the nodes saved in a directory. If the directory is the default directory, the nodes are also unloaded.

  • pDirectory – Path of the directory, relatively to the base path. The directory must be under the base path.

0 if no error occurred. Otherwise please refer to Return codes.

int ALLocalizationProxy::load(const std::string& pDirectory)

Replaces the data of nodes in the default directory by those in a given directory, unloads the previous nodes and loads the new ones. By default, since the location of the robot is unknown, the current node is supposed to be the node with the lowest id.

  • pDirectory – Path of the directory, relatively to the base path. The directory must be under the base path.

0 if no error occurred. Otherwise please refer to Return codes.

int ALLocalizationProxy::save(const std::string& pDirectory)

Saves the data in the default directory into a given directory. If the directory already exists, it is first emptied. If it does not, it is created.

The saving function takes only one parameter, which is the name of the directory in which you wish to save the data (this is a relative path under the base directory). If the directory does not exist, it will be created. If it already exists, the data will be overwritten.

  • pDirectory – Path of the directory, relatively to the base path. The directory must be under the base path.

0 if no error occurred. Otherwise please refer to Return codes.


int ALLocalizationProxy::learnHome()

Learns the home node of the robot.

Returns:0 if no error occurred. Otherwise please refer to Return codes.
std::vector<float> ALLocalizationProxy::getRobotPosition(bool active)
  • active

    False by default. Define the relocalization process in case of non reliable odometry:

    • if True, the robot will shoot a scan to relocalize,
    • if False, the robot will not move.

the coordinates x, y, theta of the pose2D of the robot, computed by the localization.

int ALLocalizationProxy::goToHome()

Localizes if needed and moves the robot back to the place where was performed ALLocalizationProxy::learnHome(). Accuracy depends on the environment.

Returns:0 if no error occurred. Otherwise please refer to Return codes.
void ALLocalizationProxy::stopAll()

The robot immediately drops all localization tasks and stops moving.

bool ALLocalizationProxy::isRelocalizationRequired()
Returns:true if the robot will need to perform a scan to localize. Else it means that goToHome will be performed using odometry (so the robot is confident in its current location).
bool ALLocalizationProxy::isDataAvailable()
Returns:true if there is a panorama loaded.
std::string ALLocalizationProxy::getMessageFromErrorCode(const int& pCode)
Returns:the Return codes message corresponding to the given error code int.
int ALLocalizationProxy::goToPosition(const float& theta)

Go to the given position trying to perform a visual close loop with the image contained in current panorama at theta.

  • theta – The target angle in the panorama referential.

0 if the robot finish the movement at the good position. Else refer to Return codes .

AL::ALValue ALLocalizationProxy::getRobotOrientation(bool active)

Returns the estimated position in the current panorama.

  • active

    False by default. Define the relocalization process in case of non reliable odometry:

    • if True, the robot will shoot a scan to relocalize,
    • if False, the robot will not move.

[EstimatedPosition, SuccessFlag, Confidence, OdometryOnly] where

  • EstimatedPosition is the estimated angular position (in radians)
  • SuccessFlag is set to false if a critical error occurred (for example if no image could be retrieved)
  • Confidence is a measurement of the confidence of the position estimation
  • OdometryOnly is set to true if the confidence is too low and the estimation relies on odometry only


Event: "ALLocalization/GoToBegin"
callback(std::string eventName, bool isRaised, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised at the beginning of a move by ALLocalizationProxy.

Event: "ALLocalization/GoToNextMove"
callback(std::string eventName, std::vector<float> nextMove, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Contains the [x, y, theta] value of the relative move the robot will do to reach its destination.

Event: "ALLocalization/GoToSuccess"
callback(std::string eventName, bool isRaised, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised when the robot has successfully reached its destination.

Event: "ALLocalization/GoToFailed"
callback(std::string eventName, bool isRaised, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised when the robot could not reach its destination, either because it was lost or because it was interrupted by an obstacle.

Event: "ALLocalization/GoToLost"
callback(std::string eventName, bool isRaised, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised when the robot gets lost while trying to go to its destination.

Event: "ALLocalization/LocalizeBegin"
callback(std::string eventName, bool isRaised, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised whenever the robot begins a localization process.

Event: "ALLocalization/LocalizeSuccess"
callback(std::string eventName, bool isRaised, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised when the localization is successful.

Event: "ALLocalization/LocalizeLost"
callback(std::string eventName, bool isRaised, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised when the localization fails and the robot is lost.

Event: "ALLocalization/OdometryBegin"
callback(std::string eventName, bool isRaised, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised when the robot starts localizing using the odometry.

Event: "ALLocalization/OdometryInsufficient"
callback(std::string eventName, bool isRaised, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised when the odometry information is not sufficient for the current localization configuration, and the robot needs to perform more localization steps.

Event: "ALLocalization/HalfScanBegin"
callback(std::string eventName, bool isRaised, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised when the robot starts doing a half-turn scan with its head.

Event: "ALLocalization/HalfScanInsufficient"
callback(std::string eventName, bool isRaised, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised when the half-scan information is not sufficient for the current localization configuration (either the localization is in full mode, or the score is not enough), and the robot needs to perform more localization steps.

Event: "ALLocalization/HalfScanSuccess"
callback(std::string eventName, bool isRaised, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised when the half-scan information is enough to perform the localization.

Event: "ALLocalization/FullScanBegin"
callback(std::string eventName, bool isRaised, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised when the robot starts a complete scan (including a half turn of its base).

Event: "ALLocalization/UTurnEnd"
callback(std::string eventName, bool isRaised, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised when the robot finishes the U turn of its base to achieve a full scan.

Event: "ALLocalization/FullScanInsufficient"
callback(std::string eventName, bool isRaised, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised when the full scan information is not sufficient. This means that the robot is lost.

Event: "ALLocalization/FullScanSuccess"
callback(std::string eventName, bool isRaised, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised when the full scan information is enough to perform the localization.

Event: "ALLocalization/LocalizeDirectionBegin"
callback(std::string eventName, bool isRaised, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised when getRobotOrientation is called.

Event: "ALLocalization/LocalizeDirectionLost"
callback(std::string eventName, bool isRaised, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised when the orientation of the robot has NOT been successfully retrieved.

Event: "ALLocalization/LocalizeDirectionSuccess"
callback(std::string eventName, bool isRaised, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised when the orientation of the robot has been successfully retrieved.

Event: "ALLocalization/StartingComputation"
callback(std::string eventName, bool isRaised, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised when the localization of the robot starts to be computed based on the data gathered from the sensors.

Event: "ALLocalization/StoppingComputation"
callback(std::string eventName, bool isRaised, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised when the localization of the robot has been computed.

Localization modes

  • 0 - USE_NOHINT: the robot stops, moves its head, makes a half-turn and moves its head again, taking a full panorama to locate itself accurately without using a hint. It can be quite slow.
  • 1 - USE_SIMPLE: the robot stops and moves its head, taking a half-panorama to locate itself accurately.
  • 2 - USE_FULL: the robot stops, moves its head, makes a half-turn and moves its head again, taking a full panorama to locate itself accurately. It leads to higher confidence than with a half-panorama.
  • 3 - USE_GRADATION: the robot takes a half-panorama to locate itself accurately. If the confidence is too low, it makes a half-turn and completes this half-panorama into a full panorama.

Return codes

  • 0: OK, the method was called successfully.
  • 1: Robot not woken up.
  • 2: The robot is not in the current panorama.
  • 3: The panorama have not been set.
  • 4: Impossible to write the panorama on disk.
  • 5: Impossible to find the current position.
  • 6: Impossible to perform a visual close loop.
  • 8: Impossible to load the panorama.
  • 9: The robot has been interrupted by a stop.
  • 10: Invalid working directory name.
  • 11: Call to a function from another proxy failed.
  • 12: The robot is already performing an exclusive action (moving or modifying data)
  • 13: The panorama is incomplete, because the half turn was interrupted by an obstacle. However the robot managed to go back to its initial position.
  • 14: The panorama is complete, but the robot did not manage to go back to its initial position because it was blocked by an obstacle.
  • 15: The panorama is incomplete because its half turn was interrupted, and it did not manage to get back to its initial position.
  • 101: The confidence is too low to continue moving.
  • 102: The name corresponds to a file, not a directory.
  • 103: Unable to create the directory.
  • 104: Filesystem exception caught.
  • 105: Directory not found.
  • 106: Failed to open the file.
  • 107: No node to load.
  • 108: No node close to the estimate position.
  • 109: Estimate position too close to another node for acquisition.
  • 110: Wrong node id.
  • 111: The robot is not supposed to go here (out of the known zone).
  • 112: Unknown localization mode.
  • 113: No data has been loaded or acquired.
  • other: non zero return codes from ALLocalization are forwarded. If the return code you got is not listed here, you may find it in the ALLocalization API.