Choregraphe can now produce application Packages (.pkg) out of Projects, and directly install them on your Aldebaran robot.
Former “Store application metadata” can be edited through Project properties.
It is stored in the Project as manifest.xml and can be edited in several languages.
Installed Behaviors cannot anymore be opened directly from Choregraphe, thus preventing users to access easily the sources of your application.
For further details, see: Project content panel.
You can modify the the content of the Project using your favorite file management tools.
For further details, see: Tips: external management.
Instead of the former Stiffness management, you can now ask your Aldebaran robot to wake up, become alive or go to rest, using the 3 new buttons available in Choregraphe Toolbar.
But if you miss the former Stiffness button too much, a preference allows you to get it back. For further details, see: Choregraphe Preferences.
New Dialog box allow you to add a Dialog topic inside a Behavior.
The Script Editor allows you to create Dialog script, an easy way to use ALDialog module.
For further details, see: QiChat script.
A Planar move is a file describing movements of the robot in a plane space.
This file, created using the Planar Move Editor can be used in a Behavior as a Move along box.
For further details, see: Planar Move.
The Robot view shows the stored objects and data of 3 new modules: ALWorldRepresentation, ALEngagementZones, and ALPeoplePerception.
You can also enable or disable the tracking of:
Rotation handles allow manipulating directly the joints of the selected limb.
For further details, see: Robot view.
Former Behavior Manager is replaced by Robot Application, and shows the whole Application structures and the Behaviors they contain.
Note that it is not any more possible to open in Choregraphe a Behavior installed on your Aldebaran robot, application are now packaged in a distribution format.
For further details, see: Robot applications panel.
Animation Mode command to store position changed!
The command is now to tap the head tactile sensors instead of having to press the Chest button.
Select memory events panel now display a hierarchical view of the events, allowing an easier browsing.
The Timeline panel has new functions: Zoom in/out, Play, Stop, Step by step, Move backward.
For further details, see: Timeline panel.
New Flip and Mirror commands.
For further details, see: Log viewer.
You can now save and reload several customized layouts according to the way you use Choregraphe.
For further details, see: Saving and loading Layouts.
Here is the list of boxes you should cut/replace:
Now these boxes call an ALMotion method, so they will be updated automatically by new releases.
Make sure you use the new release of these boxes, in order to avoid multi-threading issues.
Use these new boxes to manage simply the Stiffness and the posture of your Aldebaran robot.
Make sure you use the new release of these boxes, in order to be compatible with Qichat and animated speech boxes.
Make sure you use the new release of these boxes, in order to use the improved API.
German part has been fixed.
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid) is not anymore supported.
This release only supports Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise) and later.
For further details, see: Choregraphe requirements.
Behavior’s loading time was divided by at least 3.
Choregraphe now instantiates a virtual robot in a separate process, thus improving stability.
For further details, see: Connection Management.