Supplementary Data for Cheng et al. (Genome Research)
This sorted box plot shows the enhancer activity distribution of all the GHPs in the high stringent threshold set. For each GHPs, each individual measurement of the enhancer activity are shown in the supplementary data file.
The multiz alignments of each region were drawn using R. For each species, a diagram of the aligned sequence shows thin lines for internal gaps, represented by '-' in the alignment text, thick rectangles for the sequence, and empty space in blocks where the species does not align. Alignment blocks are drawn consecutively by position of the mouse (mm8) sequence; the x-axis shows the text position within the concatenated blocks. Alignment blocks are colored with a grey scale in proportion to the relative alignment score per column in each image. The grey scale is intended to highlight distinction between blocks by relative conservation, but is scaled for each alignment and may not be comparable between images. Sequence matches to the motif WGATAR are highlighted in gold, and are generally considered conserved if they share the same position on the x-axis between species.