Readings for Bioinformatics I


  • A bayesian network classification methodology for gene expression data
  • Physical network models
  • Elucidation of gene interaction networks through time-lagged correlation analysis of transcriptional data
  • Importance of input perturbations and stochasitc gene expression in the reverse engineering of genetic regulatory networks: insights from an identifiability analysis of an in silico network
  • Genome-wide in silico identification of transcriptional regulators controlling the cell cycle in human cells
  • more references

    Genetic and epigenetics of mental illness

  • Autism as a paradigmatic complex genetic disorder
  • Epigenetics of human disease
  • Linkage analysis of psychiatric disorders

    Human-chimp comparisons

  • Inferring nonneutral evolution from human-chimp-mouse orthologous gene trios
  • Regional patterns of gene expression in human and chimpanzee brains trios
  • Genomic DNA insertions and deletions occur frequently between human and nonhuman primates
  • Comparative analysis of multi-species sequences from targeted genomic regions
  • Divergence between samples of chimpanzee and human DNA sequences is 5%, counting indels
  • Majority of divergence between closely related DNA sambles is due to indels